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    題名: 從Patent Trolls議題看美台專利改革與解決之道
    The Solution of Patent Trolls Issues in Light of Patent Reform and Cases in the U.S. and Taiwan
    作者: 李明峻
    Lee, James
    貢獻者: 馮震宇
    Lee, James
    關鍵詞: 專利流氓
    Patent Trolls
    NPE(Non-Practicing Entities)
    Patent Squatter
    Patent Reform Act
    opportunistic licensing
    日期: 2009
    上傳時間: 2010-04-09 15:10:34 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 近年來在美國有一種”新興產業”崛起,部份非專利權實施者NPE,專門尋找實際生產商品或提供服務的知名企業為對象,以提出專利侵權訴訟的方式,加上持有法院核發之禁制令,威脅被告以達到強迫授權或合解的目的,一般稱之為「Patent Trolls」。
    按專利制度的二大政策目標,一為提供發明人發明的誘因,一為鼓勵發明人揭露其發明技術內容,而Patent Trolls投機性授權模式所造成的問題,是否會破壞專利法之立法目的,而降低企業投資創新研發的誘因,乃值得觀注且為有待解決的議題。
    故本文之主要目的乃從美國與台灣之專利改革與實務判決,探討Patent Trolls之解決之道。
    Recently there is a “new industry” in the U.S., some NPEs brought patent infringement suits against famous enterprises, which manufacture product or supply service and threatened with injunction, commonly called “Patent Trolls”.
    Among the two policy objects of patent law, one is giving the inducement to invent, the other is encourage inventors to disclose their inventions. Whether the problems caused by the opportunistic licensing models of Patent Trolls would cause damage to the object of patent law and decrease the driving force to invent of the enterprises is an issue worth observing and solving.
    Consequently, the object of this thesis is to discuss the solution of the Patent Trolls issues in light of Patent Reform and cases in the U.S. and Taiwan.
    參考文獻: ※ 中文參考文獻
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    四、 法院判例
    1. 凹凸夏寶專利權損害賠償案,智慧財產法院九十七年度民專訴字第一號。
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    3. 華碩凹凸假處分案,最高法院九十五年度台抗字第一五六號。
    4. 凹凸韓商三星損害賠償案,台北地方法院九十五年度智字三十八號。
    5. 華碩凹凸損害賠償案,台北地方法院九十三年度訴字第六二二號。
    6. 凹凸碩頡損害賠償案,台北地方法院九十二年度智字第二十一號。
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