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    Title: 情緒與認知對決策歷程之影響
    The interaction of emotion and cognition in decision making process
    Authors: 陳佩鈴
    Chen, Pei-Ling
    Contributors: 顏乃欣
    Yen, Nai-Shing
    Chen, Pei-Ling
    Keywords: 決策
    eye movement
    psychophysiological response
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2010-04-09 12:56:26 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究主要目的是想要探討當人們面對不同重要性的決策時,情緒對決策的影響是否也會隨之改變,研究者利用眼動及生理測量去量測在不同的實驗情境下,受測者眼動型態以及生理反應。本研究兩個實驗皆為受試者間設計,獨變項分別為情緒(快樂與悲傷)與決策重要程度(高與低)。在實驗一中,研究者給予受試者聆聽不同情緒的音樂,並且藉由指導語操弄決策重要性。另外,受試者被告知在每個嘗試次中必須要挑選出一台想要購買的筆電,以完成決策。根據實驗一的結果,研究者發現無論在眼動指標或者是生理指標皆有情緒與決策重要性的交互作用。然而因為實驗設計的因素,受試者訊息處理的方式並沒有辦法很清楚的被呈現,並且也沒有發現任何早期訊息的篩選過程。在實驗二中,為更進一步檢驗情緒與決策重要性交互作用的情況,實驗中增加了額外的捷思線索(Heuristic cue)。因為增加線索,在實驗二中,產品的訊息便增加了衝突性以及更能夠區別出不同訊息的特性(有用的與無用的訊息)。實驗二的結果呈現出早期訊息篩選的歷程,並且也顯現出決策的動態過程。早期的情緒與決策重要性的交互作用顯現出,快樂與悲傷的受試者在面對高重要性的決策時,的確會有早期的訊息篩選歷程。而在晚期的歷程中,則顯現出快樂的受試者在面對高重要性決策時,會花比較多的時間再評估對他們而言有用的訊息。另外,面對高重要性決策的悲傷受試者,會比面對低重要性決策的悲傷受試者更快完成決策。文中結果將根據Russo 與Leclerc’s(1994)的階段分析與Isen(1993)跟Forgas(1991)所提出的假設進行更詳盡的討論。
    In the present study, the researchers examined how the emotions influenced the decision process when the participants faced decisions with different importance. The eye movement patterns and psychophysiological effects were observed in four different conditions (high importance/positive; high importance/negative; low importance/positive; low importance/negative). In experiment 1, emotion was manipulated by listening music, and decision importance was manipulated by instruction. SCR, HR (heart rate), and eye movement measurement were recorded. The results showed the interaction of emotion and cognition, both in eye movement and psychophysiologcal effect. However, due to the experiment design, it was hard to tell whether the information was processed analytically or heuristically and no early information selective process revealed. In experiment 2, an additional cue was provided in order to examine the interaction between the emotion and decision importance with more differentiated and conflicting alternatives. The results of experiment 2 revealed the early information selective process and showed dynamic process in decision making. The early emotion and cognition interaction showed the happy and sad emotions with high decision importance did process the information selectively. While in the later interaction, it showed the happy emotions with high decision importance spent more time to evaluate the useful information. Moreover, the sad emotions with high decision importance completed the task faster than those with low decision importance. The results were discussed from Russo and Leclerc’s (1994) stage analysis and hypotheses proposed by Isen (1993) and Forgas’s (1991).
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