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    Title: 委內瑞拉查維茲政權能源政策之研究- 由分析層次探討
    The study of the energy policy of Venezuela’s Chávez Regime- Examined from level of analysis
    Authors: 高晨峰
    Contributors: 邱稔壤
    Keywords: 分析層次
    level of analysis
    Hugo Chávez
    Bolívar mission
    Orinoco project
    Latin American regional integration
    Latin American left
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2010-04-09 09:54:48 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 委內瑞拉為世界第五大的石油輸出國,且同為石油輸出國家組織的創始會員國之一。石油是委內瑞拉最為重要的產業與經濟活動,而委內瑞拉因石油而富,亦因石油而貧,委內瑞拉所依賴的石油一直以來猶如兩面刃般深刻的影響委內瑞拉的政治、經濟與社會。
      本研究採用K. J. Holsti所提出的個人、國家、體系與全球四個分析層次作為主要分析架構,以求對於查維茲政權能源政策做出全面性的探討。此論文假設查維茲政權能源政策的發展,決策者為核心因素,藉由在個人層次上,透過決策者個人研究,以求對查維茲個人政治理念有通盤的了解,並探討如何影響委內瑞拉能源政策之發展。再者,選取在國內、體系中對委內瑞拉能源政策影響較深的因素,解釋查維茲政權在這些因素影響下,產生何種政策輸出?最後,探討近年來全球能源環境的變遷與重要的發展趨勢,作為影響查維茲政權能源政策的重要中介因素,解釋全球能源環境的變化與發展對查維茲能源政策有何影響?
    Venezuela is the fifth-largest oil exporter in the world, also, one of the funding members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. In Venezuela, most industries and economic activities are dominated by Petroleum sector, a “double edged sword” which brings both positive and negative effects, and deeply influences the political, economic and social conditions in Venezuela.
    In 1998, the former lieutenant colonel, Hugo Chávez, who had organized an unsuccessful coup in 1992, seized the power as president in the election with the claim of “radical reformation”. The result in 1998 presidential election terminated the nearly fifty-year long “pacted democracy” and create a unprecendented prospect on Venezuela’s history. To Chávez, the oil is not only the symbol of independence of national sovereignty, but also a useful geopolitical weapon in the field of international politics. Therefore, Chávez began his oil reformation: strengthen the state control to the oil industry, reorganize the national oil company, Petroleos de Venezuela, SA, PDVSA, and use the income to facilitate the social policy. Moreover, due to the reason of oil price surging in recent years, the abundant oil reserve and its’ enormous output value enable Chavez to expand his power base and also to put his intention of striking the influence of United State in both regional and international stage to practice.
    This study adopts K. J. Holsti’s four levels of analysis – individual, state, system and global, as the analytic framework to this research. In this study, the individual level is assumed as the core factor of the energy policy development under the Chávez regime. Chavez’s political ideas and how it influences Venezuela’s energy policy would be examined through the study of his leadership. Furthermore, taking important factors influencing energy policy in both domestic and international level into account, what policies output related to the above factors had Chavez made? Last but not the least, a discussion of global energy environment change in recent years would be made for explaining how it acts as the intermediary factors which influence the energy policy of Chávez regime.
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    委內瑞拉能源與石油部(Minsterio del Poder Popular para la Energía y Petróleo),http://www.mem.gob.ve/
    委內瑞拉發展與計畫部(Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Planificaión y Desarrollo),http://www.mpd.gob.ve/
    委內瑞拉國家選舉委員會(Consejo Nacional Electoral),http://www.cne.gov.ve/
    委內瑞拉國家統計局(Instituto Nacional de Estadística),http://www.ine.gov.ve/ 
    委內瑞拉外交部(Ministerio del Poder Popular para Relaciones Exteriores),http://www.mre.gob.ve/
    委內瑞拉通訊與資訊部(Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Communicación y la Información),http://www.minci.gob.ve/ 
    委內瑞拉中央銀行(Banco Central de Venezuela),http://www.bcv.org.ve/
    委內瑞拉國營石油公司(Petroleos de Venezuela, S.A.),http://www.pdvsa.com/ 
    深入街坊任務(Misión Barrio Adentro),http://www.barrioadentro.gov.ve/ 
    羅賓遜任務(Misión Robinson),http://www.misionrobinson.me.gob.ve/ 
    美爾卡任務(Misión Mercal),http://www.mercal.gob.ve/
    蘇克雷任務(Misión Sucre),http://www.misionsucre.gov.ve/ 
    李巴斯任務(Misión Ribas),http://www.misionribas.gov.ve/ 
    國家民主基金會(National Endowment for Democracy),http://www.ned.org/
    美國國務院(U.S. Department of State),http://www.state.gov/
    美國環境保護署(U.S. Environment Protection Angecy),http://www.epa.gov/
    美國審計辦公室(U.S. Government Accountability Office),http://www.gao.gov/ 
    美國能源資訊局(Energy Information Angency),http://www.eia.doe.gov/ 
    美國參議院(U.S. Senate),http://www.senate.gov/
    美國眾議院(U.S. House of Representatives),http://www.house.gov/
    美國國會圖書館(Library of Congress),http://www.loc.gov/index.html
    美洲開發銀行網站(Inter-American Developement Bank),http://www.iadb.org/
    美洲國家組織網站(Organización de los Estados Americanos):http://www.oas.org/
    美洲高峰會資訊網(Summit of Americas),http://www.summit-americas.org/
    聯合國(United Nation),http://www.un.org 
    俄羅斯新聞社(Ria Novosti),http://en.rian.ru/
    紐約時報(The New York Times),http://global.nytimes.com/
    華盛頓郵報(The Washington Post),http://www.washingtonpost.com/
    洛杉磯時報(The Los Angeles Times),http://www.latimes.com/
    基督教科學箴言報(The Christian Science Monitor),http://www.csmonitor.com/
    英國國家廣播公司新聞網(BBC News),http://news.bbc.co.uk/
    哥倫比亞廣播公司新聞網(CBS News),http://www.cbsnews.com/
    美國廣播公司新聞網(ABC News),http://abcnews.go.com/
    福斯電視新聞網(Fox News),http://www.foxnews.com/
    經濟學人(The Economist),http://www.economist.com/
    衛報(The Guardian),http://www.guardian.co.uk/
    委內瑞拉環球報(El Universal),http://www.eluniversal.com
    委內瑞拉國家報(El Nación),http://www.el-nacion.com/
    人民日報(People Daily),http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/
    中國郵報(China Post),http://www.chinapost.com.tw/
    台北時報(Taipei Times),http://www.taipeitimes.com
    Cato Instittue,http://www.cato.org/
    Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR),http://www.cepr.org/
    Council on Hemispgheric Affairs (COHA),http://www.coha.org/
    Global Research,http://www.globalresearch.ca/ 
    Inter-American Dialogue,http://www.thedialogue.org/ 
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095253013
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