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Title: | 企業特性與職位評價因素設計之研究 The research of job evaluation factors with different enterprise`s characteristics |
Authors: | 彭湘蕊 |
Contributors: | 黃秉德 彭湘蕊 |
Keywords: | 企業特性 職位評價 職位評價因素 enterprise’s characteristic job evaluation job evaluation factor |
Date: | 2008 |
Issue Date: | 2010-04-09 14:47:26 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 對企業來說,組織內部的公平,關係著整體企業是否能有效的運作,而職位評價就是以此為目標,透過各職位的相互比較,建立起組織內公平的薪資率及薪資幅度。過去雖有許多學者提出許多不同的職位評價因素,但隨著全球產業環境的快速變遷,所需的職位評價因素是否會隨著產業別、組織規模等企業特性而有所改變,值得進一步探討。因此,本研究提出企業特性與職位評價因素兩變數進行深入探討,並以企業所屬產業別及組織規模作為企業特性之操作變數,藉此來衡量與職位評價因素之關係。
本研究對國內人力資源管理功能主管,以問卷方式收集樣本來進行分析,結果發現企業所屬產業與組織規模確實會影響對職位評價因素的選項,亦即企業特性會影響組織的職位評價因素。本研究在進行交集分析後,更找出廣泛使用且所有產業均適用的職位評價共同因素,以及過去未被重視但部分特定產業所應具備的職位評價獨特因素。最後,本研究利用分析的結果,提出管理上之建議,供各界作為參考。 The job evaluation factors have been researched by many scholars and experts in human resource filed from the 1920s to the present. However, most researchers focused on values inside the organization by using evaluation of job descriptions, and the most research results seemed less consideration with the influences of the global environment has on many different organization situations . For realizing the diverse aspects of job value in different enterprise’s characteristics which including industry categories and organization scope, this research hereby attempts to analyze (1) if the characteristics of industry category and organization scope can influence the job evaluation factors of a enterprise (2) which job evaluation factor suits for every kind of enterprises (3) which job evaluation factors were not given weight on before but useful for specific industries at present.
The method of this research was to collect data by sending questionnaires to the human resources management department executives in domestic companies. Through the feedback of questionnaires, this research finds the different characteristics of industry categories and organization size can really influence the job evaluation factors in different enterprises. After cross-analyzing the collected data, this research finds the common factors which have widespread used in various enterprises and that are suitable for all jobs in every industry. In the meantime, this research finds out the unique factors which had not been given weight to in the past but should have importance currently for some specific industries. In the end, this research utilizes the analysis results as a way to put forward the managerial suggestions and to offer a useful reference for the further relevant research and practice. 目錄.................................I
第壹章 緒論..............................1
第一節 研究背景與動機...................1
第二節 研究目的........................3
第三節 研究流程........................4
第貳章 文獻研究..........................5
第一節 薪酬管理與給付要素................5
第二節 職位評價的定義...................10
第三節 職位評價的目的...................12
第四節 職位評價歷史演進.................14
第五節 職位評價的種類...................15
第六節 製造業與服務業之比較..............33
第參章 研究方法與設計.....................37
第一節 研究架構........................37
第二節 研究變數的定義...................37
第三節 研究設計.........................38
第肆章 研究結果...........................46
第一節 企業基本資料統計分析..............46
第二節 各變數間之統計分析................48
第三節 職位評價因素的深入研究.............68
第伍章 結論與建議.........................88
第一節 研究結論.........................88
第二節 管理意涵.........................90
第三節 研究限制.........................97
第四節 未來研究建議......................98
參考文獻..................................99 |
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