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Title: | 多處理廠環境下逆物流最適訂單接受量與處理量之研究 |
Authors: | 李惠卿 Lee, Huei Ching |
Contributors: | 林我聰 Lin, Woo Tsong 李惠卿 Lee, Huei Ching |
Keywords: | 逆物流 逆物流網路 第三方物流 穩健最佳化 reverse logistics reverse logistics network third-party logistics provider robust optimization |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2010-04-08 16:30:53 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 逆物流(reverse logistics)代表了將使用過的產品從消費者手上收回、並將此資源重新在市場上再利用的一連串物流活動。其配送成本往往比正向物流高,對於回送之產品,在運送、儲存、處理、管理方面亦無規律通路,較正向供應鏈增加許多的複雜性和不確定性,企業往往選擇將逆向物流之活動外包給專業物流服務商。<br>對逆向物流服務商來說,既以營利為目標,便有營運範疇內法規、利潤、運輸成本、營運成之考量。過去逆向物流方面之研究主題,多以逆向供應鏈上的廠址設置為主,本研究針對同時具有多個處理廠的逆物流服務供應商進行探討,建立適合的營運模式,考慮多時期、多個逆物流處理廠、多種型態的退回商品,建立一數量決策模式,以逆物流服務商的最大營運利潤為目標,探討逆物流之下的最適合再生物料接受訂單數量、以及個別逆物流處理中心之最適合當期處理量,考慮可能因退回商品回收量之不確定性、處理產出比率的不確定性影響處理廠之中再生物料的實際產量。對於模式當中的不確定因子,本研究建構以情境為基礎的穩健最佳化之模式求得穩健解。 Reverse logistics reflects a serial of activities including collecting return products from consumers, recycling, reusing, and reducing the amount of materials used. Implementing reverse logistics is complicated and costs more than forward logistics to a firm. Furthermore, there is not a regular way to handle those transportation, storage, processing and management process. In order to reduce cost and focus on core business, industries choose to outsource those processes to third-party reverse logistics provider.<br>Previous literatures used to focus on the topic of facility location allocation or designing the infrastructure of reverse logistics distribution channels. From a reverse logistics provider perspective, this research concerned about the operational profit of the reverse logistics service provider who has multiple collection sites and refurbishing processing facilities. This research attempts to maximum the net-profit and presents a multi-period, multiple processing facilities, and multi-type return products to optimize the solution of the quantity of processing return products in each refurbishing processing facilities and the quantity of used material ordered by industries. The formulation uses a scenario-based robust optimization approach to solve those uncertainty factors such as the volume of product collection, the usage rate of return product in this model. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 資訊管理研究所 95356028 96 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095356028 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [資訊管理學系] 學位論文
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