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    政大機構典藏 > 傳播學院 > 新聞學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/38354
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    Title: 論傳媒外部性及其政治:檢視《壹週刊》
    A treatise on media externality and its politics: Assessing the next weekly
    Authors: 李郁青
    Li, Yu Ching
    Contributors: 馮建三
    Feng, Chien San
    Li, Yu Ching
    Keywords: 傳媒外部性
    media externalities
    the Next Weekly
    media policies
    Pigouvian subsidy
    Pigouvian tax
    communication effects
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2010-04-08 15:18:23 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 「傳媒外部性」是指傳媒在生產其內容、或閱聽人於消費該內容的過程中,對於非關該市場交易之第三人產生影響,致使傳媒活動可能侵害第三人的權益,抑或可能創生公共利益的現象。作為一種傳播效果,以及一種構成市場失靈、從而需要公共政策介入的概念工具,「傳媒外部性」可以作為聯繫「傳播效果」與「媒介政策」的研究橋樑,因此對於拓展跨學科的溝通,具有潛在貢獻。

    外部性是衍生自主流經濟學的概念,其測量無法不涉及量化指標(如貨幣),惟本研究亦闡明:該概念之內涵不可能、亦不應該完全以量化標準來看待;就此檢討後,本研究參照公法學教授Edwin Baker所提之十種傳媒外部性類目,同時酌量採納傳播效果研究的部分成果,提出本研究分析傳媒外部性的類目指標,並試圖使經濟學與傳播研究在對話中,能豐富各自的內涵。

    During the production and consumption process of media content, a certain ‘media externality’ is inevitably created that may benefit or harm the third parties who actually are not present in the market exchange relationship between the producers and their audience. Therefore it’s reasonable to conceive ‘media externality’ as one aspect of communication effects, and as a factor that contributes to market failure, as such, this thesis suggests that we employ ‘media externality’ as a conceptual tool bridging ‘communication research’ and ‘media-policy research’ in a way that both disciplines can contribute to each other.

    To measure ‘externality’, it’s not possible that quantitative indicators such as ‘money’ be not invoked, meanwhile it’s neither desirable nor feasible if economic calculation or consideration exhausts what we mean by ‘media externality’. Having established this methodological principle, and in addition to bringing in relevant communication effect researches, the author builds and expands upon Edwin Baker’s categorization and proposes my own framework for measuring ‘media externality’. It is hoped that communication science and economics can enrich respective tradition via this dialogue.

    The ‘Next Weekly’ is then subject to a careful investigation and its externality is subsequently assessed. In all, to deal with media externalities, three models with eight variants can be discerned. To begin with, there is a ‘policy dimension’ comprising macro-structural regulation that attends to communication philosophy, arrangements of media property rights and finances of media production. The second policy element is of a micro-structural regulation nature, including Pigouvian tax or subsidy. Also, the state may stipulate that its regulatory power be shared with the industry and the audience’ alike. The second model indicates civilian or criminal lawsuits. Lastly there is a market response to media externality, be it the promotion of media literacy, operations of media watch groups or individual victim’s compromise with the media. This thesis ends in a reflection, since by its definition communication policy is bound to step in all the other variants, that evaluates the relationship between public policy and a more healthy media ecology.
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