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    Title: 國際人權法與我國教育人權保障-教育哲學與法制觀點的探討
    The International Bill of Human Rights and the right to education in Taiwan-A study in light of educational philosophy and law systems
    Authors: 蘇鈺楠
    Su, Yu Nan
    Contributors: 馮朝霖
    Fong, Tsao lin
    Su, Yu Nan
    Keywords: 教育人權
    the right to education
    Human rights education
    the international bill of human rights
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2010-04-09 14:49:50 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 由M. McLuhan「地球村」與聯合國「世界鄰居」概念所洞見出世界的新景象,可讓人覺察到各國日益綿密之聯結。此種快速發展、且彼此牽動的網路系統,在國際間思想和價值傳遞上的影響更是迅速於過往,當我們將台灣目前的教育人權置於此一脈絡下檢視,更可發覺在國際人權法典的普世價值下,是必然要面對與追尋的道路-本研究計畫企圖以教育人權的哲學和法性格論證為分析基礎,演繹國際人權法典的教育概念與保障,對照台灣的教育法保障,進而反思全球普遍性價值與台灣在地價值的轉化。本研究論文擬以六個章節進行,先就國內現況、教育法學需求與普世化內涵疑義作為研究問題意識,從教育人權的脈絡與理論基礎開始理解,詮釋國際人權法典中的教育涵義,進而比較台灣教育人權法制中的現況與轉化,以後兩者為分析的兩大軸線,綜合論證各層面之癥結問題。嘗試就教育哲學與教育法學的跨領域對話方式建構出人權教育實踐的整全面向。
    From the concepts of global village by M. McLuhan and our global neighborhood by UN, the connections of ideas and values between nations are closer than ever. Under the influence of globalize tendency, this research tries to take philosophy and jurisprudence of the right to education as basis, analyzes the educational concepts from the international bill of human rights and comprises to the education law in Taiwan. This research, contains six chapters, begins from the critics to universal human rights and present education law in Taiwan, following by the historical development and theories of the right to education, and then analyze to international bill of human rights which connect to education. Lastly, with the intercources between the educational philosophy and law, this study provides full ranges of stretigies in emplementing human right education.
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095152506
    Data Type: thesis
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