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    Title: The dragon`s leap: China wielding its soft power in the strait
    Authors: Joe, Landgrebe
    Contributors: 耿曙
    Keng, Shu
    Joe, Landgrebe
    Keywords: china
    cross-strait relations
    soft power
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2009-09-19 13:58:08 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: This paper examines the cross-Strait relationship from the theoretical perspective of Joseph S. Nye Jr.’s soft power. It begins with a discussion of China’s grand soft power strategy throughout the global community highlighting the use of three resources of soft power: culture, political values and foreign policies. This paper then transitions into a more specific study of the cross-Strait relationship examining the evolution of Jiang Zemin’s hard power approach to Hu Jintao’s soft power approach. This paper argues, as reflected in opinion polls, Hu Jintao’s new soft power strategy has already had an impact on the Taiwanese public’s perception of China. Taiwanese today, have a significantly more positive perception of China than they did during Jiang Zemin’s era. Furthermore, Hu Jintao’s pragmatic strategy seems to be effective in deterring Taiwanese independence.
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