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    Title: A Study to Measure Satisfaction with Evaluation System in the Taipei, Hong Kong and Shanghai City Police Department as a Motivational Concept
    Authors: 洪清火
    Hung, Ching huo
    Contributors: 趙國材
    Chao, Kuo Tsai
    Hung, Ching huo
    Keywords: Employee’s satisfaction
    Evaluation system
    Motivational concept
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2009-09-19 13:57:59 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: Employee’s need satisfaction requires benefits or environmental conditions that their expectances and fulfill their needs.
    Evaluation system means that a personnel system which evaluates civil servants include a merit-based performance evaluation system that rewards good employees and punishes poor ones, open and fair competition in recruitment and promotion to assure the quality of government officials, and a system based on law that provides continuity and consistency for government policies.
    Motivational concept is a concept of work motivation incorporating theories of motivation-concept that have been proposed in the sociological and psychological literatures. Traditional theories of work motivation are reviewed and presented. How the motivational-concept influences behavior in organizations is explained and used to develop a theory of motivational sources.
    The purpose of this study is to measure satisfaction with evaluation system in the Taipei, Hong Kong and Shanghai City Police Department as a motivational concept. A 39-item survey questionnaire was developed to conduct a survey on satisfaction with evaluation systems in order to measure what kinds of motivation were more effective for police personnel management in the Taipei, Hong Kong and Shanghai City Police Department, and to get a comprehensive understanding of the motivational concept in the above mention Department. The conclusions of this study are presented as follows:
    1. The Taipei City Police Department Side:
    (1). For an “A” assessment the evaluation system should not restrict the proportion of employees to be assessed on this level to 75%.
    (2). The current evaluation system should be in accordance with a fair reward-punishment system.
    (3).The current reward-punishment imbalance is due to different positions and functions, there should be a limitation of reward as well as overtime pay.
    2. The Hong Kong City Police Department Side:
    (1). The majority of respondents think that the current evaluation system is fair, so the whole evaluation process satisfies them, and the current system of rewards and punishments is just and fair.
    (2). Some issues, in evaluation system, are too abstract to be useful for and the opinions of evaluation should be assessed according to or refer to some incident and should not be based on the evaluator’s personal and subjective impressions.
    (3). Except for rewards given to the first line of staffs (directly with people), proper awards also should be given to support and logistic employees.
    3. The Shanghai City Police Department Side:
    (1). Although the reward-punishment evaluation system exists in this evaluation system, it can’t be used for the function of removing a staff member who performs very badly. The main reason is that in China personal relationships in traditional society are beyond any similar system, which evaluated based on managerial power.
    (2).The proportion of “excellent” grades where employee are to be assessed limited on this level 10%, and can not exceed at most 15 %. No matter if employees work performance is good or bad, they are forced to accept this quota; and actually have hurt those who work with enthusiasm.
    (3). Formulate and perfect an incentive mechanism for the evaluation system, and research corresponding coordinative systems to offer systematic support for the reward-punishment system.
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