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    Title: 移民社會的國家認同形態: 與台灣的比較研究
    National identity formation in settler societies: a comparative study with specific reference to Taiwan
    Authors: 艾頓
    Eyton, Laurence
    Contributors: 耿曙
    Shu, Keng
    Eyton, Laurence
    Keywords: 台灣
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2009-09-19 13:56:13 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 國家主義從建立國家意識開始。但是移民國家在建立國家意識過程中常遇困難。國家意識的發展需要一個歷史背景和一個可以變成激動人心的國家努力的故事的文化獨立意識。有些移民國家缺少可以變成英雄傳說的歷史, 並且不知如何定義從他們的「母」國獨立出來的文化意識。他們經常在文化上感到次等。本研究探討這些因素如何在澳洲和台灣妨礙他們的國家意識的發展。
    Question: This thesis examines the question of why national consciousness in Taiwan is weak. After an examination of the principal theories of national consciousness formation, it posits the idea that recently settled nations have particular problems in constructing a sufficiently resonant historical narrative on which to build a national identity.
    Methodology: Taiwan’s weak national identity is established by the use of polling data. Australia is taken as an example of another country with weak national consciousness, as demonstrated in the failure of the 1999 referendum on a republic. Traditional narratives of Australian contrariness toward its subordinate relationship with Britain are compared with modem historical analysis challenging such assumptions and the idea that conflict and movement toward separatism is inevitable. The weakness of Australian national consciousness is shown to be rooted in the lack of a narrative of development sufficiently rejectionist of Australia’s alternative identity as a British imperial possession. Taiwan’s historical and political development is then examined for evidence of the development of a narrative suitably rejectionist of Taiwan’s alternative identities as part of the Japanese empire and part of China.
    Conclusion: Taiwanese have failed to develop a narrative of nationhood. This has been due to assimilation pressure from non-Taiwanese governments, as well as cultural limitations inhibiting the spread of a nationalist ideology.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0093924015
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