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Title: | 國立大學公法人組織設計之研究 A Study on Designing the Organization for the Public Corporation of National Universities |
Authors: | 林秀敏 Lin, Hsiu-Min |
Contributors: | 莊國榮博士 林秀敏 Lin, Hsiu-Min |
Keywords: | 國立大學 公法人 行政法人 national universities public corporation administrative corporation |
Date: | 2005 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-19 13:55:20 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 國立大學法人化議題之提出,始自77年至83年大學法於立法院修法期間,從當時的公法人,演變至92年行政院通過大學法修正草案的行政法人類型,惟因各界對大學法人化議題仍有爭議,94年12月新修正公布之大學法,並未通過國立大學公法人化相關條文。然隨著全球化、市場化及後WTO時代之來臨,各大學終要面臨國際大學之競爭,為賦予大學更多自治權及避免政治及行政干預,使其在人事及經費運用上更自主彈性,藉以提昇國際競爭力及追求學術卓越,國立大學公法人化,幾已確立為政府推動高等教育改革方法之一。 本研究主要目的係以92年大學法修正草案有關行政法人國立大學之組織為藍本,探討董事會、校長、校務會議及學術評議委員會等組織之設計,配合公私立大學組織運作及參酌德、美及日本國立大學公法人實施先例及國內學者專家訪談結果,主要研究發現分述如下: 一、國立大學法人化雖參採國外大學法人制度經驗並應能因地制宜。 二、國立大學法人化目的應是確保大學自治,而非行政效能考量。 三、國立大學法人不宜限定單一行政法人類型,設置董事會;其或採公法人、法人或教育法人類型,採理事會或首長制之治理模式,應允大學自主。 四、國立大學法人校長若由董事會遴選,校內董事成員應過半。 五、國立大學若設董事會,應多元並有義務規範及評鑑機制。 六、國立大學校務會議規模應小,定位於參與及諮詢功能。 七、國立大學學術評議委員會應是校內最高學術事項之決定單位。 八、校長、董事會、校務會議與學術評議委員會間的權責關係應予釐清。 本文最後依研究結果提出建議,對政府言,國立大學法人化之立法及配套應力求周延;大學法人化之組織設計應符合大學需要;法人化後,政府仍不能免除對大學基本財政資源需求之責任。對教職員言,大學法人化,雖非唯一最佳選擇,但對確保大學自治卻是可行途徑;各大學得依據本身規模特性、發展設計法人型態。 關鍵字:國立大學、公法人、行政法人 The transformation of national universities into public corporations was first proposed in the University Law during the amendment sessions of the Legislative Yuan from 1988 to 1994. In 2003, the University Law amendment draft passed by the Executive Yuan included the transformation of national universities into administrative corporations, but because of disputes regarding the incorporation of national universities, articles related to the transformation of national universities into public corporations were not passed in the new University Law amendment of December 2005. However, due to globalization, marketization, and the coming of the post-WTO era, domestic universities must eventually compete with foreign universities. In order to allow universities to gain more autonomy and receive less political or administrative interference so as to have better flexibility in terms of personnel management and fund utilization, thereby increase global competitiveness and pursue higher academic goals, the government is sure to consider national university corporations as a means of higher education reform. Based on the organization design of administrative national university corporations as described in the University Law amendment draft of 2003, this study discusses the organization design of boards of trustees, presidents, academic affairs meetings, and academic review committees, and also takes into consideration the operation of public and private universities, examples of national university corporations in Germany, the United States, and Japan, as well as interviews of domestic scholars and experts. The main results of this study are as follows: 1. Borrowing from the experiences of foreign national university corporations, domestic incorporation should still be tailored to the environment in Taiwan. 2. The purpose incorporation should be to ensure the autonomy of universities, and not to improve administrative efficiency. 3. Incorporation should not be limited to a single form, and boards of directors should be established. Forms of corporations may include public corporations, corporations, and education corporations. Board or leadership management systems should be adopted, and universities should be given autonomy. 4. In the case that the president of a national university corporation is elected by the board of trustees, the number of faculty board members should exceed half the total number of board members. 5. In the case that a board of trustees is established, the members should be diverse. Obligations, rules, and evaluation mechanisms should also be established. 6. Academic affairs meetings of national university corporations should be small in scale, and focus on participation and consultation. 7. Academic review committees should be the final decision-makers regarding academic issues in national university corporations. 8. The roles and responsibilities Presidents, boards of trustees, academic affairs meetings, and academic review committees should be clearly defined. Lastly, the results of this study showed that: the government should aim to provide a comprehensive legislation and associated measures for the incorporation of national universities; organization design of national university corporations should be tailored to the needs of the universities; after incorporation, the government should still be responsible for the basic financial needs of universities. For faculty, incorporation may not be the best or only choice, but is nevertheless a way to autonomy; and universities can plan the form of incorporation according to their characteristics and visions. Keywords: national universities, public corporation, administrative corporation |
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