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Title: | 貓空地區觀光意象對遊客選擇行為影響之路徑分析 A Path Analysis for Influence of Destination Image on Tourists` Behavior in Maokong Area |
Authors: | 羅明璇 Lo, Ming-Hsuan |
Contributors: | 邊泰明 Ben, Tai-Ming 羅明璇 Lo, Ming-Hsuan |
Keywords: | 觀光意象 地方依附 旅遊品質 滿意度 選擇行為 路徑分析 Destination Image Place Attachment Trip Quality Satisfaction Traveling Behavior Path Analysis |
Date: | 2008 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-19 13:16:13 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來觀光產業的快速發展,使相關業者面臨激烈的競爭,旅遊目的地行銷的概念應運而生。隨著產業結構的轉型,地方都市無不透過觀光行銷來吸引投資者或遊客之進入,以增加自身競爭力,因應全球化下的競爭。 觀光意象是遊客對於一旅遊目的地所持的知覺、看法與印象的重組,其傳達遊客腦海中對旅遊目的地遊憩屬性的偏好,具有宣傳與行銷的功能。一般而言,觀光意象在遊客對目的地之選擇行為過程中扮演了重要的角色,具有良好觀光意象的旅遊目的地通常具有較高的吸引力,且正向的觀光意象對都市透過觀光收益來促進都市發展及經濟成長亦有顯著效果。觀光意象包含了遊客的認知與情感面,遊客將據其偏好選擇喜歡的目的地作為旅遊地點。然而,過去研究較少探討遊客主觀感受與其對地方之情感連結等心理層面對選擇行為之影響,據此,本研究以台北市貓空地區為例,以觀光意象作為前因變數,探討其對遊客之地方依附、旅遊品質、滿意度、選擇行為之影響路徑及各變數間之交互影響效果。 本研究以遊客問卷之設計,對非當地居民之遊客作為抽樣調查之對象,並以因素分析與結構方程模式作為資料分析方法,所得主要結果為:觀光意象對地方依附、旅遊品質與選擇行為有直接正向影響,而影響遊客對旅遊目的地選擇行為最重要的因素為地方依附。 With the change of industry structure, tourism industry has become one of important industries in a city. Facing the competition under the global age, the concept of destination marketing has widely aroused attention because of fast development of tourism industry and keen competition among relative industry proprietors. Destination image is sum of beliefs, ideas and impressions that a person has of a destination. Destination image has been shown to be vital influence on travelers` travel behavior, that is, the urban with a positive and good image perceived by tourists can bring out the urban a significant effect on urban development and economic growth. A tourist`s intent to visit a destination is determined by a combination of cognitive and affective image. Tourists usually develop emotional associations with destination where they`re lovely to visit. However, very limited research has been conducted personal emotional or meanings tourists attach to the places they visited and experienced. Thus, the study takes Maokong Area of Taipei city for example, and the purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship among destination image, place attachment, trip quality, satisfaction, and traveling behavior. In research method, the survey was quantitative research oriented in order to understand visitors` ideas toward the destination images of Maokong area. Both factor analysis and structural equation modeling were used to analyze for the study. The major results of this research were found that destination image directly has positive influence on place attachment, trip quality, and traveling behavior, and place attachment is the most important cause to influence tourists` behavior. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 地政研究所 96257021 97 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0096257021 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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