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    Title: 利用全國性e-GPS衛星定位基準網辦理土地複丈精度之研究-以鶯歌地區為例
    Authors: 詹君正
    Contributors: 何維信
    Keywords: 電子化GPS 衛星定位基準站
    Virtual Base Station(VBS)
    Real-Time Kinametic(RTK)
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2009-09-19 13:12:47 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 內政部土地測量局為擴大RTK有效作業範圍,同時降低主站布設密度,已規劃透過網際網路高速、寬頻之數據傳輸技術,預定於九十五年度前完成建置全國性電子化GPS(e-GPS)衛星定位測量基準網,就其連續定位觀測資料,建構區域性定位誤差內插模式,並配合虛擬基準站(Virtual Base Station,VBS)即時動態定位技術(Real-Time Kinematic, RTK)( 簡稱VBS-RTK),獲得高精度的定位成果,提供多目標定位服務及加值應用。
    For expanding the effective range and decreasing the density of base stations, Land Survey Bureau, Ministry of the Interior (LSB) have set up a national e-GPS base stations network in 2006. In order to obtain high precision position result and provide multi-goals positioning service with plus value application, the system will be involved regional position error interpolating mode and Virtual Base Station(VBS)technique.
    The research area is located within the north service net of the national e-GPS base stations network, feasible discussion of using to Supplementary control survey and direct to transact the land resurvey with the VBS-RTK technique. Firstly, The 4th and the higher order control points and the traverse points located at the research area were examined with the VRS-RTK. Compared with the original data, the results have shown that the average of the absolute value of errors is 1.9 cm at the N-axis, 2.0 cm at the E-axis. After transformations either by affine-6-parameters, the result shows that all of the errors are satisfy the stipulation of rules.Secondly, using the VBS-RTK technique to undertake land survey correction, the all errors are satisfy the stipulation of rules.( less than 6 cm )
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0093923012
    Data Type: thesis
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