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    Title: 政府網站服務品質指標建構之研究
    Authors: 周思伶
    Contributors: 蕭乃沂
    Keywords: 電子化政府
    government website
    e-service quality
    Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2009-09-19 13:07:52 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 當政府機關開始大量的透過網路傳遞服務給民眾,政府迫切需要知道民眾對政府網站服務品質的認知評價為何。然而該如何衡量政府網站的服務品質至今仍沒有一個明確的方法。本論文旨在建構一套可以用來衡量政府網站服務品質的指標同時對政府網站服務品質提出相關的政策建議。本研究使用了線上問卷調查法與層級分析法,利用網路問卷線上調查了使用者對政府網站服務品質的評價,然後請專家利用層級分析法分析並計算出這些指標的相對權重。


    As government organizations have increasingly provided services to the public via Internet, e-government websites have demanded acute understanding of how the users perceived the service quality. However concerning it is not clear how the e-service quality of e-government websites can be measured. This thesis aims to construct the indicators to evaluate e-service quality of e-government websites and propose management suggestions to government. The research methods of this thesis include an online survey and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). A survey was conducted with online users being asked to evaluate the e-service quality of e-government websites. Then AHP was applied to analysis and compute the weights of these indicators from the experts.

    The key findings are: First, Design, Usability, Reliability, Information Quality, Usefulness, and Responsiveness are key dimensions of e-service quality of e-government in Taiwan. Second, most of the online users are satisfied with the Usefulness of e-government websites in Taiwan, but they are not satisfied with the Responsiveness of e-government websites in Taiwan. Third, for the evaluation aspects, the sequence of importance for the e-service quality of e-government websites in Taiwan is Information Quality, Usefulness, Responsiveness, Reliability, Usability and Design. Among them, the domain experts think Information Quality and Responsiveness are relatively important aspects of e-service quality of e-government websites in Taiwan. However, general online users are not satisfied with these two aspects. So these two aspects should be listed on the top priority for improvement straight away.

    Based on the research findings, the author proposes three policy suggestions to improve the websites in Taiwan’s government. First, keep the information on the government websites most updated. Second, improve the information readability for online users. Finally enhance the responsiveness of government websites.
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