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Title: | 大學生的成人依附、社交能力、社會支持、寂寞與憂鬱之關係 |
Authors: | 李靜如 |
Contributors: | 林邦傑 修慧蘭 李靜如 |
Keywords: | 成人依附 社交自我效能 困擾的自我揭露 社會支持 寂寞 憂鬱 adult attachment social self-efficacy distress self-disclosure social support loneliness depression |
Date: | 2006 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-19 12:42:12 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究主要目的在探討有戀愛經驗大學生的「成人依附」、「社交能力」、「社會支持」、「寂寞」與「憂鬱」之間的關係。依此目的,本研究先探討不同背景變項的大學生在「逃避依附」、「焦慮依附」、「社交自我效能」、「困擾的自我揭露」、「社會支持」、「寂寞」與「憂鬱」上的差異情形,並以兩個模式探究有戀愛經驗大學生的「成人依附」、「社交能力」、「社會支持」、「寂寞」與「憂鬱」之間的關係。模式一探討「逃避依附、焦慮依附、社交自我效能、困擾的自我揭露、寂寞與憂鬱之關係」;模式二探討「逃避依附、焦慮依附、社交自我效能、困擾的自我揭露、社會支持與憂鬱之關係」。研究採問卷調查法,以台灣十一所大學805位有戀愛經驗的大學生為對象,並以隨機方式將之分為兩組,第一組399人,用來刪題與發展模式;第二組406人,用來驗證模式及探究不同背景變項的受試在各研究變項上的差異。研究工具包括成人依附量表、社交自我效能量表、困擾的自我揭露量表、寂寞量表、社會支持量表和憂鬱量表。資料分析方法為因素分析、信度分析、t考驗、單因子變異數分析及結構方程模式。 本研究以第一組樣本探討初始模式發現,初始模式與觀察資料間適配不理想,故根據修正指標進行修正,修正後的模式與資料適配後,再以第二組樣本驗證模式的穩定性,經驗證模式一及模式二具備相當穩定性,且模式一及模式二都與觀察資料適配,並能有效解釋變項間的關係。 主要研究結果如下: 第一,在背景變項方面:(一)女性受試的「困擾的自我揭露」與「社會支持」顯著高於男性;(二)一年級受試的「焦慮依附」顯著高於三年級及四年級的受試;(三)不在戀愛中受試的「逃避依附」、「焦慮依附」與「寂寞」顯著高於在戀愛中的受試,而在戀愛中受試的「社會支持」顯著高於不在戀愛中的受試;(四)無晤談經驗受試的「逃避依附」顯著高於有晤談經驗的受試,有晤談經驗受試的「寂寞」與「憂鬱」顯著高於無晤談經驗的受試。其他部分則無顯著差異。 第二,在模式方面:(一)逃避依附與焦慮依附會透過社交自我效能而間接影響寂寞,再間接影響憂鬱;(二)逃避依附與焦慮依附會透過社交自我效能而間接影響社會支持,再間接影響憂鬱;(三)逃避依附會透過困擾的自我揭露,間接影響社交自我效能,再透過社交自我效能間接影響寂寞,再間接影響憂鬱;(四)逃避依附會透過困擾的自我揭露,間接影響社交自我效能,再透過社交自我效能間接影響社會支持,再間接影響憂鬱;(五)焦慮依附會直接影響憂鬱;(六)焦慮依附會透過寂寞間接影響憂鬱;(七)焦慮依附對憂鬱的影響效果會大過逃避依附對憂鬱的影響效果;(八)困擾的自我揭露對寂寞不具直接影響力,困擾的自我揭露會透過社交自我效能間接影響寂寞;(九)逃避依附、焦慮依附、困擾的自我揭露對社會支持不具直接影響力,逃避依附、焦慮依附、困擾的自我揭露會透過社交自我效能間接影響社會支持。 最後,根據研究結果,針對個人、學校諮商與輔導實務及未來相關研究提出建議,以供參考。 The Relationships Among Adult Attachment, Social Competencies, Social Support, Loneliness and Depression of College Students Ching-Ju Lee Abstract The main purpose of this research was to study the relationships among “adult attachment,” “social competencies,” “social support,” “loneliness” and “depression” of the college students who had romance. The researcher first investigated the differences in terms of “attachment avoidance,” “attachment anxiety,” “social self-efficacy,” “distress self-disclosure,” “social support,” “loneliness” and “depression” among the participants who had the different background variables. Also studied were the relationships among “adult attachment,” “social competencies,” “social support,” “loneliness” and “depression” of the college students who had romance by using two models. Model one was used to study “the relationships among attachment avoidance, attachment anxiety, social self-efficacy, distress self-disclosure, loneliness and depression.” Model two was used to study “the relationships among attachment avoidance, attachment anxiety, social self-efficacy, distress self-disclosure, social support and depression.” This study employed questionnaires to collect data. The participants of the study were 805 Taiwan college students who had romance from 11 universities, and were randomly divided into two groups. In group one, there were 399 participants whose data were used to cancel items and develop models, and in group two there were 406 participants whose data were used to test models and study the differences in regards of different research variables among the participants who had the different background variables. The participants were evaluated by Adult Attachment Scale, Social Self-efficacy Scale, Distress Self-disclosure Scale, Social Support Scale, Loneliness Scale and Depression Scale. The data were analyzed by factor analysis, Cronbach α analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA and SEM. The initial models tested by group one did not fit well with the observed data. Therefore, applying the modification index, the researcher modified the models till the models fit the observed data, then tested the models’ stability by group two, and came to confirm the stability of model one and model two. The researcher found both model one and model two fit the observed data, and could effectively explain the relationships among the variables. The main results of this study were as follows: First, about the background variables: 1. The scores of “distress self-disclosure” and “social support” of girls were significantly higher than those of boys. 2. The scores of “attachment anxiety” of freshmen were significantly higher than those of juniors and seniors. 3. The scores of “attachment avoidance”, “attachment anxiety”, and “loneliness” of the students who were not in love were significantly higher than those of the students who were in love, and the scores of “social support” of the students who were in love were significantly higher than those of the students who were not in love. 4. The scores of “attachment avoidance” of the students who had no counseling experience were significantly higher than those of the students who had counseling experience while the scores of “loneliness” and “depression” of the students who had counseling experience were significantly higher than those of the students who had no counseling experience. There were no significant differences among other variables. Second, about the models: 1. Attachment avoidance and attachment anxiety could affect social self-efficacy, and could thus in turn affect loneliness through social self-efficacy, and could indirectly continue to affect depression through loneliness. 2. Attachment avoidance and attachment anxiety could affect social self-efficacy, and could thus in turn affect social support through social self-efficacy, and could indirectly continue to affect depression through social support. 3. Attachment avoidance could affect distress self-disclosure, and could thus in turn affect social self-efficacy through distress self-disclosure, loneliness through social self-efficacy, and depression through loneliness. 4. Attachment avoidance could affect distress self-disclosure, and could thus in turn affect social self-efficacy through distress self-disclosure, social support through social self-efficacy, and depression through social support. 5. Attachment anxiety could directly affect depression. 6. Attachment anxiety could indirectly affect depression through loneliness. 7. The effect of attachment anxiety affecting depression was higher than that of attachment avoidance affecting depression. 8. Distress self-disclosure could not directly affect loneliness, while it could indirectly affect loneliness through social self-efficacy. 9. Attachment avoidance, attachment anxiety and distress self-disclosure could not directly affect social support, whereas they could indirectly affect social support through social self-efficacy. Finally, based on the results of the study, the researcher made some further suggestions for individuals, school counseling and future researchers. |
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