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Title: | 大學生生活壓力、解釋風格與情緒幸福感之關係研究 The relationships among life stress, explanatory style, and emotional well-being of college students. |
Authors: | 楊晴如 Yang, Ching Ju |
Contributors: | 余民寧 Yu, Min Ning 楊晴如 Yang, Ching Ju |
Keywords: | 生活壓力 解釋風格 情緒幸福感 中介變項 結構方程式模型 stress explanatory style emotional well-being mediator variable Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) |
Date: | 2008 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-19 12:41:32 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在急速變遷與多元渾沌的現今,如何轉化複雜且遽增的壓力以提升個體本身的幸福感實屬一重要的議題。本研究主要目的在建立生活壓力、解釋風格與情緒幸福感的結構方程式模型,藉以探討之間的影響關係,進而瞭解解釋風格在這關係中所扮演的中介效果。 本研究以兩組各644位政治大學的大學生為研究對象,採問卷調查法施以生活壓力量表、解釋風格量表及情緒幸福感量表,使用的資料分析方法包括:t考驗、單因子變異數分析、因素分析、及結構方程式模型。本研究以第一組樣本探究不同性別與不同年級在研究變項上的差異,接著,經建構與修正模式後提出最終的關係模式,最後,以第二組樣本驗證最終模式的穩定性。主要結果茲分述如下: 一、在背景變項方面: (一)不同性別與不同年級大學生在「生活壓力」與「解釋風格」上有顯著差 異。 (二)不同性別與不同年級大學生在「情緒幸福感」上未有顯著差異。 二、在結構模式方面: (一)課業壓力、人際壓力對解釋風格有直接正向效果。 (二)課業壓力、人際壓力對情緒幸福感有直接負向效果。 (三)解釋風格對情緒幸福感有直接負向效果。 (四)人際壓力能直接影響情緒幸福感,也能透過解釋風格間接影響情緒幸福感。 (五)解釋風格在課業壓力與情緒幸福感間扮演完全中介變項的角色。 (六)最終模式的交叉驗證具有模式穩定性。 最後,根據研究結果提出建議,供諮商輔導實務及未來研究參考。 With the rapid change and the multicultural context of the modern society, how to deal with the complicated and hastily increased stress and to promote people’s well-being is an important issue. The main purpose of this study is to construct the structural equation modeling (SEM) of stress, explanatory style, and emotional well-being. By this way, the researcher can explore the relationship among the three variables, and know the mediator variable of explanatory style. The participants were two groups of students at National Chengchi University, and each group included 644 college students. The data was collected by questionnaires, including the stress scale, the explanatory style scale, and the emotional well-being scale. Moreover, the data were analyzed by t-test, ANOVA, factor analysis, and SEM. The study, firstly, used the first group to explore the differences of gender and grade, and constructed the final structural model after setting and modifying model. Finally, the researcher used the second group to verify the stability of the model. The main results were summarized as follows: About the background variables: 1.Students with different gender and grade were significantly different in the scores of stress and explanatory style. 2.Students with different gender and grade were not significantly different in the scores of emotional well-being. About the structural model: 1.Academic stress and relationship stress had positive influence on explanatory style directly. 2.Academic stress and relationship stress had negative influence on emotional well-being directly. 3.Explanatory style had negative influence on emotional well-being directly. 4.Relationship stress had influence on emotional well-being directly, and it also affected emotional well-being through explanatory style. 5.Explanatory style was a mediator variable between academic stress and emotional well-being. 6.Through the cross-validation, the final structural model was of model stability. Finally, based on the findings of the study, the researcher made some practical strategies for counselor and some suggestions for further studies. |
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