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Title: | 大學生希望感、建設性思考與情緒創造力對創造風格影響之路徑模式 |
Authors: | 李若瑜 |
Contributors: | 葉玉珠 李若瑜 |
Keywords: | 大學生 希望感 建設性思考 情緒創造力 創造風格 Undergraduate students Hope belief Constructive thinking Emotional creativity Creative style |
Date: | 2008 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-19 12:41:24 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在探討大學生的希望感、建設性思考、情緒創造力及創造風格之關係。研究參與者來自台北縣市、桃園縣七所公私立大學的大學生,有效樣本計531人。本研究採用的研究工具包括「希望感量表」、「建設性思考量表」、「情緒創造力量表」及「創造風格量表」。資料分析所用的統計方法包括描述統計、單因子單變量和多變量變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關及線性結構模式分析。本研究主要發現如下: 一、 大學生在希望感、建設性思考、情緒創造力的表現程度佳,且 偏向運用創造核心特質。 二、 不同性別的大學生在情緒創造力及創造風格上均有差異,就整 體和各指標而言,男生的創造核心特質優於女生,女生的情緒 創造力優於男生。 三、 創造力獎項得獎經驗對大學生的情緒創造力沒有效果,但對創 造風格中的非最終產品定位、技術使用及無意識過程信念有效 果,非最終產品定位及技術使用為無得獎者大於有得獎者,無 意識過程信念則為有得獎者大於無得獎者。 四、 所屬學院對情緒創造力中的新穎性來源及情緒準備度有效果, 且能對創造風格中的無意識過程信念、環境控制與行為自我調 節有效果。 五、 大學生的情緒創造力對創造風格有效果。 六、 希望感對大學生的情緒創造力有效果,且對創造風格中的非最 終產品定位、技術使用、無意識過程信念及借助他人有效果。 七、 建設性思考對大學生情緒創造力中的有效性及新穎性反應有效 果;且對創造風格中的迷信行為及環境控制與行為自我調節有 效果。 八、 就大學生創造風格之路徑模式而言,希望感與建設性思考產生 交互作用後,會分別對情緒創造力有直接效果並透過情緒創造 力對創造核心特質及創意輔助習性有間接效果,且情緒創造力 對創造核心特質與創意輔助習性有直接效果。 最後,本研究依據本研究主要發現提出意見,以提供相關單位與人員在教育以及學術研究上之參考。 The main purpose of this study was to explore the relationships among hope belief, constructive thinking, emotional creativity, and creative style of undergraduate students. The participants included 531 undergraduate students sampled from seven national or private universities in Taipei City, Taipei County, and Taoyuan County. The employed instruments in this study were the Inventory of Hope, the Inventory of Constructive Thinking, the Inventory of Emotional Creativity, and the Questionnaire of Creative Style. The employed analysis methods included Descriptive Statistics, one-way ANOVA, one-way MANOVA and SEM. The main findings of this study were as follows: 1.The undergraduate students had high level of hope belief, constructive thinking, and emotional creativity; and they tended to use core traits of creativity. 2.There were significant gender differences on emotional creativity and creative style; the males outperformed the females in core traits of creativity, and the females outperformed the males in emotional creativity. 3.The experiences of winning creative awards had no effects on emotional creativity, but had effects on creative style, especially on “not final product orientation”, “use of techniques”, and “belief in unconscious processes”. Moreover, participants who had won creative awards outperformed their counterparts in “not final product orientation”, “use of techniques”; participants who had not won any creative awards outperformed their counterparts in “belief in unconscious processes”. 4.College of major had effects on emotional creativity, especially in “origin of novelty”, and “preparation”. Moreover, college of major had effects on creative style, especially in “belief in unconscious processes” and “environmental control and behavioral self- regulation”. 5.The participants’ emotional creativity had effects on their creative style. 6.The participants’ hope belief had effects on their emotional creativity and creative style, especially in “not final product orientation”, “use of techniques”, “belief in unconscious processes”, and “use of other people”. 7.The participants’ constructive thinking had effects on their emotional creativity, especially in “effectiveness”, “novel response”. Moreover, the participants’ constructive thinking had effects on their creative style, especially in “superstition” and “environmental control and behavioral self- regulation”. 8.As for the path model, hope belief and constructive thinking interactively and directly influenced their emotional creativity and then indirectly influenced their core traits of creativity and assisted habits of creativity via emotional creativity; meanwhile, emotional creativity had direct effects on their core traits of creativity and assisted habits of creativity. Finally, the researcher proposed some suggestions for educational instructions and academic research. |
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