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    政大機構典藏 > 教育學院 > 教育學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/37198
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    Title: 一位明星高中成績低落學生自我認同歷程的敘事研究
    Narrative Research: An Underachiever`s Self-identity Process In A Prestigious High School In Taiwan
    Authors: 楊貴雯
    Yang, Quei Wen
    Contributors: 修慧蘭
    Yang, Quei Wen
    Keywords: 明星高中
    prestigious high school
    narrative research
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2009-09-19 12:40:47 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究使用敘說研究方法,探討一位明星高中成績低落學生形成自我認同的心理歷程。以後現代的觀點,來瞭解受訪者如何看待自己在耀眼的明星高中裡,所經驗到的課業問題以及對自我形象的認定。本研究採立意取樣方式,邀請正就讀於北部某明星高中,且高一至高二其間學業成績明顯低落的受訪者KK,進行半結構式的訪談。經過文本的分析詮釋後整理出KK的自我認同歷程階段表,來描述受訪者在進入明星高中前後,所經歷不同時期的自我認同樣貌;此外,研究者亦參考各心理學家所提出自我認同的相關理論來檢視受訪者的自我認同程度,並以質性的方式來描述;最後,研究者歸納出受訪者如何重新賦予自我新形象的心理模式。本研究亦針對教育工作者、質性研究者與諮商員提出反思與建議。
    The main purpose of this study is to inquiry what an underachiever expe¬riences his academically lagging behind in a prestigious high school in north Taiwan and how he establishes his self-image in the process of self-identity. By taking a post-modern perspective, I tried to understand the participator’s experiential world through his narrative language in a semi-structured interview. The method of text analysis is the holistic-content model by Lieblich, Tuval-Mashiach(1998). After a narrative interpretation, I concluded the participator’s self-identity process describing his different self-image before and after entering the prestigious high school, assessed the participator’s degree of self identity by relevant theories in a qualitative method and discussed the way he established self-images. Finally, I proposed some educational suggestions for practical educators, qualitative researchers and counselors.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0094152010
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[教育學系] 學位論文

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