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    Title: 從城鄉差異的觀點,評估台灣鄉村型社區心理衛生中心之服務需求:以社會指標分析、關鍵訊息提供者與社區居民的調查等方法研究雲林縣高農業人口地區為例
    The Needs Assessment for Rural Community Mental Health Centers in Taiwan Based on the Perspectives of Urban-Rural Differences: A Multi-Method Approach including the Social Indicators Analysis, the Survey of the Key Informants and Community Residents in the High Agricultural Areas of Yunlin County
    Authors: 周才忠
    Chou, Tsai Chung
    Contributors: 陳嘉鳳
    Chen, Chia Feng
    Chou, Tsai Chung
    Keywords: 社區心理衛生中心
    Community Mental Health Center
    Social Indicators Analysis
    Key Informants Approach
    Community Residents Survey
    Farm Crisis
    Rural Mental Health Services
    Mental Health indicators System
    Date: 2004
    Issue Date: 2009-09-19 11:56:06 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究以城鄉差異觀點,評估台灣鄉村型社區心理衛生中心之服務需求,具體目的有(1)分析台灣縣市及雲林縣鄉鎮與心理衛生有關之各項社會指標,以驗證社區心理衛生相關問題的城鄉差異性;(2)瞭解雲林縣及其鄉鎮關鍵訊息提供者對高度農業地區各項社區心理衛生問題嚴重程度、問題型式、地理分佈與相關在地服務資源之看法;(3)瞭解雲林縣高度農業人口鄉鎮社區居民對其村落各項相關心理衛生問題嚴重程度、問題型式、社區壓力源、因應方式與求助情形之看法;(4)由社區居民調查結果,抽取鄉村心理衛生相關問題之共同因素,並歸納諸項調查研究與指標分析結果,初步擬定出一「台灣鄉村心理衛生指標系統目錄」。




    The purposes of this thesis were: (1) to analyze the differences of some social indicators related to mental health of Taiwan (23 cities/counties) and Yunlin county (20 townships). (2) to understand the opinions of the key informants about community mental health problems. (3) to survey community residents of agricultural areas about the subjective perceptions of their mental health. (4) to set up a summative index of Taiwan Rural Mental Health indicators System.

    This research used a multi-method strategy. Data collected in the spring of 2005 included 24 social indicators of 23 cities/counties in Taiwan, and 16 social indicators of 20 cities/township in Yunlin, and questionnaires of 99 key informants and 967 community members of Erh-lun and Shui-lin Township of Yunlin County.

    Major findings of this study were as follows:

    (1)Significant differences were found in the social indicators about the numbers of older population, the lower educational status, the widowed, the foreign spouse, and the disabled, the accidental injury-related deaths in agricultural counties. In contrast, urbanized areas had higher rates of the divorced, all criminal case, larceny, robbery and forceful taking, violent crime, rape, and the average number of people serviced by per medical personnel .

    (2)The geographic analysis in terms of the mental health status and service needs of residents revealed no significant differences among 23 cities/counties, but significant differences among 20 cities/township (Yunlin County), Erh-lun and Mailiao had much more problems.

    (3)Yunlin County’s key informants indicated that the areas of Kou-hu, Tai-si and Sih-hu have high needs for mental health services. Erh-lun’s key informants indicated that 3 villages have high needs for mental health services. Shui-lin’s key informants indicated that 3 villages have high needs for mental health services.

    (4)Most respondents of resident sample ranked the following mental health problems as serious: fraudulent telephone calls, out-migrant, farm crisis, being elderly, and family economic hardship.

    (5)Most respondents of resident sample employed “chatting with others” as stress-relieving or coping method. Besides “family and friends”, only about 6.5% of respondents reported that they sought help from mental health professionals or specialists.

    (6)To set up the initial rural mental health indicator systems of Taiwan: a summative index consists of 14 items and is divided into five dimensions

    The recommendations for rural mental health policies, indicator systems, program strategies and rural mental health service delivery issues were also suggested.
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