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    Title: 普丁時期俄羅斯的社會福利改革
    Russian social welfare reform in the putin era
    Authors: 陳宜蓮
    Chen, Yi Lian
    Contributors: 林永芳
    Lin, Yung Fang
    Chen, Yi Lian
    Keywords: 普丁
    social welfare reform
    liberal approach
    state governance
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 20:32:44 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文探討俄羅斯的社會福利改革過程。透過說明俄羅斯社會福利制度改革模式的選擇,解釋影響改革的因素,具體描述了蘇聯解體以來的俄羅斯福利制度改革過程,特別是普丁政府的改革策略。討論主題為俄羅斯的福利制度改革模式為何?影響俄羅斯福利制度改革的因素有哪些?何以普丁政府得以克服阻礙推動福利制度改革?

    This study aims at exploring the process of social welfare reform in Russia. To fulfill this goal, the author describes the pattern and factors of reform during the Post-Soviet era with a specific focus on the Putin government`s policy. The main subjects of the study are the pattern of reform, the factors contributing to reform, and the Putin government’s reform strategy.

    By applying Esping-Anderson’s classification of welfare reform to Russia, the author finds that the Russian government has taken a liberal approach to reform. The thesis analyzes Putin government`s reform policy from three perspectives, economy, politics, and state governance, and concludes that the improvement of state governance plays the main role in advancing Russian social welfare reform.
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