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    Title: 解決醫療糾紛民事責任之保險與法律制度
    The law and insurance of resolving civil liability in medical malpractice
    Authors: 高添富
    Kao, Tien Fu
    Contributors: 林勳發

    Lin, Hsin Fa
    Lin, Jan Juy

    Kao, Tien Fu
    Keywords: 醫療事故
    medical incident
    medical negligence
    medical mishap
    medical accident
    no fault liability
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 20:18:32 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文將負面醫療結果(醫療傷害)統稱為醫療事故(medical incident),而醫療事故中又分為醫療過失(medical negligence)、醫療不幸(medical mishap,又名醫療災禍)及醫療意外(medical accident)三種情況。造成醫療傷害可能是因為醫療的過失責任,也可能是無醫療過失責任,本文特意將無醫療過失責任再細分為無過失責任、非過失責任與無法律責任(自然死亡或自然病程)三種,並將「無過失責任」no fault liability一詞泛以「無關過失責任」稱之;醫療行為中可預知的合併症與副作用的「醫療不幸」及不可預知、不可抗力的「醫療意外」屬非過失責任範疇,而不可避免性的自然死亡及自然病程,則屬無法律責任的範疇。
    過失責任的歸責原因是醫療疏失,所以是以損害填補原則及不當得利禁止原則,以填補受害者所受損害及所失利益;因此,過失責任要負的是損害「賠償責任」。非過失責任的歸責原因包括醫療不幸(即副作用、合併症)與醫療意外兩種,因為醫師客觀上已盡注意義務,不論有無結果預知義務或結果迴避義務,醫師已盡力防阻,仍不免發生醫療傷害,故並無醫療疏失可言,應由國家社會對受害者予以救濟;因此,非過失責任理應由福利國家的救濟制度來負責。無關過失責任no fault liability的歸責原因是危險責任,針對所有醫療事故,不論對錯無關過失下,只要有了醫療傷害,加害人就予以被害人限額補償的基本保障。因為醫師身為危險責任主體,依報償責任理論(利之所存,險之所擔)、危險控制理論及危險分擔理論下必須承擔危險責任,因以,無關過失責任應負醫療事故補償責任。
    In this paper, we study negative outcomes associated with the delivery health care, which are collectively referred to as “medical incident”. This is further divided into “medical negligence”, “medical mishap” (also known as “medical disaster”), and “medical accidents”. Medical injuries may be in consequence of medical negligence or otherwise, that is they may be with fault or without fault. In this paper we further medical injuries without fault into three categories: (1) liability regardless of fault, (2) liability without fault, and (3) no legal liability. Notably, we refer to “no-fault liability” as “liability regardless of fault” to better distinguish its legal implications with respect to other kinds of medical injuries without fault. Predictable complications and side effects of medical treatments are considered “medical mishap”; unavoidable natural death or nature course of disease have “no legal liability”. The burden of duty can be divided into three categories: indemnity, compensation, and relief. Indemnity is secondary to the violation of rights leading to injury and damages. Compensation is set by appointed experts and given in direct consequence of the occurrence of the injury, and is independently of the determination of legality and contract fulfillment. Relief specifically refers to financial assistance given by government entities to those in need.

    At-fault liability follows medical negligence, and as such indemnity is given for reparation of damages and the prohibition of gains from the provision of negligent medical care. Causes of liability with no fault include medical mishaps and medical accidents. In these cases, the physician has fulfilled duties as medical professionals and in so doing have done their best to prevent medical incidents. Nevertheless due to circumstances beyond control, medical injuries occur. Because there is no negligence on the part of the physician, these losses are ideally dealt with by the governmental agencies.

    Liability regardless of fault attributes liability based on risk alone. Under this system, for all medical incidents, whether or not they are the consequence of negligence, the victim receives relief at a pre-determined amount. This relief serves as the basic protection of patients. Since the physician as the chief medical care provider is also at the center of medical risk, by principles of risk management, liability regardless of fault should in addition be organized as medical incidents compensation.

    The three forms of duty burden–indemnity, compensation, and relief–can be organized either as foundations or as insurances. We argue that duty burden for medical negligence is best managed by professional liability insurance to provide compensation to the victims. Medical liability regardless of fault is best managed by compulsory medical provider liability insurance with additional medical incidence compensation fund to provide at least a basic level of compensation to the victims. Medical liability without fault is best managed by medical risk relief fund for assistance for the victims.

    In conclusion, in this paper we analyze various forms of liability and management of medical risks, and propose the use of professional liability insurance for medical injuries with fault, compulsory liability insurance for liability without fault, and relief fund for liability regardless of fault, in the setting of medical incidence. This provides a comprehensive, three-layered solution to the emerging problem of proliferation of medical incident cases in the courts. The first layer is incidence compensation, directed at all medical incidents, via compulsory medical personnel liability insurance regardless of fault. The second layer is risk relief, directed at medical mishaps and medical accidents, via risk relief funds. The third layer is damage indemnity, directed at at-fault liability, via physician professional liability insurance, to fulfill the victims’ damages.
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