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    Title: 我國科技公司採用產品生命週期管理(PLM)系統下的研發知識管理活動之探討
    Knowledge management in R&D division under the implementation of PLM system: The case of Taiwanese high-tech companies
    Authors: 廖柏侖
    Contributors: 吳豐祥
    Keywords: 研發創新
    R&D Innovation
    Knowledge Management
    Product Lifecycle Management
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 20:08:47 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著產業與經濟的全球化的浪潮下,「研發」與「創新」成為我國科技產業對抗全球的競爭壓力與推動組織營運的重要後盾,在新產品不斷推陳出新的帶動下,愈來愈短的產品生命週期,以及愈來愈多變的顧客需求,「速度」成為企業取得競爭優勢的關鍵因素,因此,我國企業紛紛透過導入產品生命週期管理(PLM)系統以縮短產品開發時程,使企業掌握新產品上市的先機。此外,透過PLM系統快速連結與蒐集研發知識,有助於企業實踐知識管理,加速組織與科技的融合與智慧財產的傳承,二十一世紀是知識經濟時代,企業能活用個人與組織內、外部的知識,則可創造價值並提昇企業競爭力。PLM系統使組織內研發之知識可有效的管理,並運用逐漸累積的資源形成的珍貴之研發知識,有效整合與串連成組織重要的知識資產;然而,知識管理之推展除資訊系統外,亦需要組織活動的配合。
    Taiwanese high-tech industry has been emphasized the value of R&D innovation since 2000 in order to survive under the strong competition in globalization environment. The capability of innovation and efficiency of product development have been on the highly priority of companies. Hence, Taiwanese companies implement the product lifecycle management (PLM) system to improve product development schedule. Knowledge is an important intangible asset for companies in the 21th century. Because of PLM system, companies could manage R&D knowledge through collecting and linking R&D project or event. However, the promotion of knowledge management could not exist without the information systems and organization activities.
    This article considers the knowledge management activities from organizational and technical aspects. The purpose of the research is to examine the knowledge management of R&D division under the implementation of PLM system, and find out the key factors which influent R&D knowledge management. The research adopts four Taiwanese high-tech companies as Case Studies and has interviews with managers to understand knowledge management in R&D division under the implementation of PLM system. By knowing inside information of knowledge management in the R&D division of companies would make my research more practical and well-organized to give examples and facts to the future implementation of PLM system for Taiwan industries.
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