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    Title: 資產減損對股價反應、分析師預測及本益比影響之研究
    An Empirical Study of the Impacts of Asset Impairments on Market Reaction, Analysts’ Forecast and Price Earnings Ratios
    Authors: 黃美珠
    Huang, Mei-Chu
    Contributors: 陳明進
    Chen, Ming-Chin
    Huang, Mei-Chu
    Keywords: 資產減損
    Asset write-offs
    Information transparency
    Magnitudes of market reactions to write-off
    Analysts’ earnings forecast
    Price/earnings ratios
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 20:06:04 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究探討我國於2004年發佈之第35號財務會計準則公報,有關『資產減損之會計處理準則』。35號公報要求企業必須評估公司資產之價值,以避免資產價值之虛列,增加資產價值資訊之透明度。本研究就公開資訊之揭露與資訊透明度的觀點,探討與資產減損有關的三項議題:(1)資產減損之股價反應幅度與公司特質及減損資產類別的關聯性;(2)資產減損對分析師盈餘預測特性之影響;(3)資產減損對本益比之影響。本文之研究結果顯示:(1)對於提前於2004年年報適用的樣本與準時於2005年第一季季報適用的樣本,公司特質變數與股價反應幅度的關聯性有不同;而減損資產類別變數與股價反應幅度則未有顯著之關係;(2)相較於同產業且資產總額接近之未宣告認列資產減損的控制組公司,宣告認列資產減損之公司,其分析師盈餘預測之離散性與預測誤差降低;並且公司揭露認列的減損比率愈大,其分析師間盈餘預測的離散性及預測誤差愈小;(3)在與同產業且資產總額接近之未宣告認列資產減損之控制組公司相較下,宣告認列資產減損之公司,其減損認列後的本益比較減損認列前的期間為高,且認列減損之比率愈大者,其認列減損之後的本益比愈高。這些結果顯示35號公報之公布實施,強制規定公司全面檢視資產或重大投資之潛在未實現損失,將有助於增加資產及盈餘資訊之透明度與穩健性,並提高了分析師對公司盈餘預測能力及市場對公司盈餘資訊之評價。
    This paper studies the effects of the implementation of Statement on Financial Accounting Standards (hereafter, SFAS No. 35) in 2004 on “Accounting for Asset Impairments”. SFAS No. 35 requires that the company has to assess its assets to reflect the potential unrealized losses of assets and improve the transparency of the value of assets in financial statements. From the viewpoints of the disclosure on public information and the transparency of financial statements, this study examines the following three issues related to the asset write-offs: (a) how is the association between the magnitude of market reaction to write-off announcements, firms’ characteristic, and the categories of the asset written-off? (b) what is the impact of asset write-offs on analysts’ forecast dispersion and errors? (c) what is the impact of asset write-offs on price/earnings ratios? The results show that the magnitudes of market reaction in the early adoption samples in 2004 financial statements are different from that in the timely adoption samples in first quarter of 2005’s financial statement. However, The magnitudes of market reactions to the write-off are not significantly associated with categories of asset written-off. Furthermore, compared to control sample of non-adopting firms in the same industry and with similar total assets, the adopting firms have less analysts’ earnings forecast dispersion and errors. And, the larger the asset write-offs, the smaller the analysts’ earnings forecast dispersion and errors. Finally, the adopting firms have larger price/earnings ratios after the asset write-offs than control sample. The larger proportions of asset write-offs to total assets, the larger the price/earnings ratios after the firm the asset write-offs. Accordingly, the above evidence indicates that the reports implementations of SFAS No. 35 improves the transparency and conservatism of assets and earnings information, and to increase the valuations of earnings in the stock market in that the adopting firms are required to evaluate the potential unrealized losses on their long-lived assets and investments.
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