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    題名: 閱聽人眼中的東南亞新移民女性:青少年的媒介使用與新移民族群認知的關聯
    作者: 張蓓琳
    貢獻者: 蘇蘅
    關鍵詞: 東南亞籍配偶
    日期: 2008
    上傳時間: 2009-09-18 19:48:10 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 過去研究發現,媒體是以偏差、負面、我族中心主義的角度處理移民族群的新聞,然而,這些媒介內容卻是閱聽人評估移民族群的重要依據。因此,本研究的主要目的即在探討青少年的媒介使用與東南亞籍配偶的形象認知、態度間的關係。此外,族群認知是由多重機制建構而成,本研究同時將青少年和東南亞籍配偶子女的人際接觸納入研究,探討人際接觸對東南亞籍移民族群認知的影響。
    本研究採用問卷調查法,共訪問台北縣市青少年國中生共550 人。研究結果發現,青少年對東南亞新移民的族群認知與其弱勢情境有關,包括:負面、他者、社會問題、能力不足的形象認知。此外,青少年的電視新聞暴露、注意程度對東南亞籍配偶和其子女的族群認知、評估的預測力較佳:青少年的電視新聞暴露時間愈長、注意程度愈高,對東南亞籍配偶和其子女的認知、評估愈負面。青少年的報紙新聞暴露時間和東南亞籍配偶認知有關,其報紙新聞的暴露時間愈長,對東南亞籍配偶的負面形象程度愈低,顯示媒介暴露時間的多寡和媒介效果未必成正比。網路對於建構族群認知、評估的效果則未有電視新聞、報紙一致,未來若將網路使用內容納入研究範疇,將能進一步了解網路對於建構閱聽人族群認知、評估的效果。
    Since mass media has distorted ethnic groups in the news for a long time, this study examines how teenagers perceive the south-east foreign brides and their children and the relation between teenagers’ racial perceptions and media use. Therefore, teenagers’ interpersonal contact with the south-east foreign brides’ children is also a variable in the study so that we can further examine the effect of interpersonal contact toward teenagers’ racial perception and attitude. Using a random sample technique, a total of 550 teenagers were surveyed in 2008. The results of the study showed that teenagers perceived the south-east migration as the negatives, others, social problems and inabilities. In addition, the more television news exposure and attention teenagers have, the more negative perception toward the south-east migration teenagers hold. As for the newspaper, the more newspaper exposure teenagers have, the more positive perception toward the south-east migration teenagers hold. However, there’s no identical result in terms of the internet. Future research may find out how the internet impact the audience’s racial perception if the internet content is measured.
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