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    题名: 數位產品網路行銷之顧客資訊滿意度衡量模式
    The Measurement Model of Customer Information Satisfaction for Internet Marketing of Digital Products
    作者: 王怡舜
    Yi-Shun Wang
    贡献者: 湯宗益
    Tzung-I Tang
    Yi-Shun Wang
    关键词: 網路行銷
    Internet marketing
    Digital products and services
    Web customer information satisfaction
    User information satisfaction
    End-user computing satisfaction
    日期: 2001
    上传时间: 2009-09-18 19:31:14 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 資訊管理文獻中,對於電子商務環境的顧客資訊滿意度衡量模式甚少探討。目前文獻中的使用者資訊滿意度(UIS),以及使用者自建系統滿意度(EUCS)兩種衡量模式,主要是適用於「傳統資料處理環境」或是「使用者自建系統環境」。因此,本研究將發展一個適用於「數位產品網路行銷環境」的顧客資訊滿意度衡量模式。首先,本研究探討了網站顧客資訊滿意度(WCIS)的概念性定義,作者從文獻中歸納出初步的顧客資訊滿意度衡量構面與問項,並透過訪談、焦點群體、先導研究等方法來加以補充與調整。再者,本研究也說明了量表問項產生過程、資料蒐集方法、以及純化測量的步驟。作者並運用兩個配額樣本來進行探索性因素分析以及驗證性因素分析,其中嚴謹地檢驗了顧客資訊滿意度衡量模式的信度、內容效度、效標關聯效度、收歛效度、區別效度,以及法理效度。最後,本研究探討了顧客資訊滿意度衡量模式在實務界與學術界的應用方式,並討論了本研究所面臨的若干限制,同時提出一些未來可以進一步研究的方向。作者希望本研究所提出的顧客資訊滿意度衡量模式,未來可以被其他研究人員用來發展網路行銷或電子商務理論。

    CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION….………………………………………….….…1
    SATISFACTION ……………………………………………………………………..4
    2.1 The Focus of This Study…………………………………………….…..…….4
    2.2 The Impact of E-commerce on the Business Process of DPSPs….……….…..5
    2.3 Instruments for Measuring User Information Satisfaction (UIS) and
    End-User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS)…….……………..……………….6
    2.4 The Conceptual Definition of Web Customer Information Satisfaction ….…..9
    2.5 The Theoretical Framework for Assessing WCIS……………………….…..12
    2.6 Service Quality versus Customer Satisfaction………………………….……14
    3.1 Generation of Initial Item List……………………………………………...16
    3.2 Pilot Study…………………………………………………………………....17
    FACTOR ANALYSIS…...…………………………………………………………..19
    4.1 Sample and Procedure……………………………………………………….19
    4.2 Item Analysis and Reliability Estimates……………………………………..20
    4.3 Identifying the Factor Structure of the WCIS Construct…..…………………21
    4.4 Reliability…………………………………………………………………….23
    4.5 Content Validity………………………………………………………………25
    4.6 Criterion-Related Validity……………………………………………………25
    4.7 Reliability and Criterion-Related Validity by Type of Web Site……………..26
    4.8 Discriminant and Convergent Validity……………………………………….27
    4.9 Nomological Validity………………………………………………………...28
    WCIS INSTRUMENT………………………………………………...……………30
    5.1 Need for Confirmatory Analysis………………………………………….….30
    5.2 Methods……………………………………………………………………....33
    5.3 Data Collection for Confirmatory Analysis………………………………….41
    5.4 Alternative Models…………………………………………………..……….43
    5.5 Criteria for Comparing Model-Data Fit…..………………………………….46
    5.6 Checks for Statistical Assumptions………………………………………….49
    5.7 Estimation Method…………………………………………………………...50
    5.8 Results………………………………………………………………………..50
    5.9 Assessment of Reliability and Validity………………………………………55
    5.10 The Measurement of Service Quality……………………………………….60
    5.10.1 The Development of SERVQUAL and IS-adapted SERVQUAL………61
    5.10.2 Refinement of an EC-adapted SERVQUAL…………………………...66
    5.11 Research Findings for Confirmatory Analysis……………………………...72
    5.11.1 Findings for Question One……………………………………………72
    5.11.1 Findings for Question Two……………………………………………74
    5.12 Comparison of Underlying Dimensions Between UIS, EUCS
    and WCIS…………………………………………………………………..76
    CHAPTER 6. IMPLICATIONS………….………………………………………..77
    6.1 Implications for Practice……………………………………………….....….77
    6.2 Implications for Research.……………………………………………………79
    CHAPTER 7. CONCLUSION……..………………………………………………81
    APPENDIX A Measurement of Web Customer Information Satisfaction –
    Forty-Three Items Used in the Pilot Study…………………………………………...97
    APPENDIX B Observed Correlation Matrix of WCIS Instrument in
    Confirmatory Analysis..……………………………………………………………....99
    APPENDIX C Observed Correlation Matrix of Initial EC-SERVQUAL
    APPENDIX D The LISREL Program for WCIS Model 1……..…………………...101
    APPENDIX E The LISREL Program for WCIS Model 2.……….………………...102
    APPENDIX F The LISREL Program for WCIS Model 3...………………………...104
    APPENDIX G The LISREL Program for WCIS Model 4..………………………...105
    APPENDIX H The LISREL Program for EC-SERVQUAL Model 1.…………….106
    APPENDIX I The LISREL Program for EC-SERVQUAL Model 2.…………….107
    APPENDIX J The LISREL Program for The Structural Model Between
    WCIS and EC-SERVQUAL Measures………………………………..………………...108
    ABOUT THE AUTHOR…………………………………………………………...110
    MIS literature has not addressed the measurement of web customer information satisfaction (WCIS) in electronic commerce. Current models for measuring user information satisfaction (UIS) and end-user computing satisfaction (EUCS) are perceived as inapplicable as they are targeted primarily towards either conventional data processing or the end-user computing environment. This study develops a comprehensive model and instrument for measuring customer information satisfaction for web sites that market digital products and services. This paper first discusses the concepts and definitions of WCIS construct from the literature. The researcher summarizes his findings in a theoretical framework. Based on this framework, the researcher develops a measurement instrument to measure web customer information satisfaction. The procedures used in generating items, collecting data, and purifying a multiple-item scale are described. The researcher has carefully examined evidences of reliability, content validity, criterion-related validity, convergent validity, discriminant validity, and nomological validity by analyzing data from two quota samples. The potential applications for practitioners and researchers are then explored. Finally, the researcher concludes this study by discussing limitations and potential future research. The researcher hopes that the proposed WCIS instrument with good reliability and validity can be used by other researchers to develop and test Internet marketing and EC theories in the future.
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