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Title: | 女性自我與中年的對話:兩位女性的生命故事 |
Authors: | 臺美光 Tai Joyce Mei-Kuang |
Contributors: | 劉惠琴 陳文玲 臺美光 Tai Joyce Mei-Kuang |
Keywords: | 生命故事 中年期 中年女性 中年轉換 生命階段 自我構成 獨立我 相依我 |
Date: | 2002 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-18 18:44:24 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 「中年轉換」係指發生於個體40歲至60歲之間內在與外在的轉變,中年轉換期帶給中年女性的種種轉變是危機還是轉機,中年轉換對女性的意義為何,以及中年女性的自我構成如何與個人經驗、生活事件與外在環境相互型塑,尚待本土研究釐清。研究者帶著對「中年女性」的好奇,開始一段認識中年女性的旅程,並在此呈現兩位中年女性的生命史。
除了呈現兩位女性的故事,本研究也呈現年輕研究者對於「研究」本身的省思,並誠實記錄研究框架的建構與解構歷程。 Mid-life transition means a series of psychological and physical changes occurring during one’s middle age. How women make sense of it and how it intertwines with women`s personal experiences, life occurrences and surroundings are the main interests of this research.
After searching through the life stories of Ms. Chou and Ms. Kao, with regard to the mid-life subject, it`s found that life occurrences, rather than merely physical changes, drive their life stages to transit. 2 interviewees both see mid-life transition as one of the many events among life occurrences instead of a crisis or a turning point.
It`s also unfolded that, with regard to the construct of self, discussion on social and cultural contexts is evidently important. The self - "independent" or "interdependent" - actually intertwines with surroundings, relatedness and life themes. Secondly, it`s also revealed that the integrated self at mid-life stage can be one integrated self, or an integrated acknowledgment of the fact that, one`s self can involve many dimensions and the dimensions can still be growing.
In addition to the life stories of Ms. Chou and Ms. Kao, this research also documents the introspection of a young researcher. This is also a truthful documentation of the construction and de-construction of a research framework. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 廣告研究所 88452001 91 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0088452001 |
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