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    Title: 2003SARS在兩岸----生物政治學的研究途徑
    Authors: 邵軒磊
    Shao ,Hsuan-Lei
    Contributors: 李英明
    Shao ,Hsuan-Lei
    Keywords: 中國
    Date: 2003
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 18:38:48 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 2003SARS在兩岸
    關鍵詞: SARS、中國、生物政治、全球化、系譜學、傅科、尼采
    2003SARS in the Cross-Strait
    ----On the Bio-Political Perspective
    The epidemic, SARS, erupted on two sides of the Taiwan Strait in spring and summer of 2003. Cross-Strait exchanges fell to close to none. It brought great influence to not only East Asia, but also the whole world. This essay attempts to employ the methodology of Genealogy to explore the SARS incident and to understand how power maneuvers in this context. The research materials will primarily be editorials and news. The research reveals that: SARS is a new disease. People are uncertain about the SARS symptom and desired to know more as possible. Therefore, the discourse of SARS is dialectic of knowledge/power. One the other hand, the signification of body politics can be seen in the control of virus/patients: from the name of SARS, to the categorization of virus carriers, and the way to handle the disease and quarantine. The final discuss is on the implication of disease in the context of globalization and international politics.
    Western philosophical thinking the human being is the greatest of the living thing, and the other organism of the nature is object being. The assumption that human beings have the power to decide and discover their Subjects dictates the interactions between human beings and other creatures/ objects. The existence of “others” thus serves as a background and secondary meaning to human. Bio-politics aims to discuss a different kind of thinking which puts “others” in the position of Subjects. This is to deconstruct the opposite relations between human and nature, and to describe the source of power in humankind’s political science. Genealogy’s research on power traces back to the research on Subjects; while Bio-politics can employ Genealogy’s methodology to discover another level of research on power.
    Keywords: Bio-politics、Epidemiology、Foucault、Genealogy、SARS、WHO
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