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Title: | 微弱光源下之人臉辨識 |
Authors: | 李黛雲 Tai-Yun Li |
Contributors: | 廖文宏 Wen-Hung Liao 李黛雲 Tai-Yun Li |
Keywords: | face recognition illuminaiton feature based low illumination |
Date: | 2002 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-18 18:25:57 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本論文的主要目的是建立一套人臉辨識系統,即使在光源不足或甚至是完全黑暗的環境下也能夠正確地進行身分辨識。在完全黑暗的情形下,我們可以利用具有夜視功能(近紅外線)的攝影機來擷取影像,然而,近紅外線影像通常呈現亮度非常不均勻的情形,導致我們無法直接利用現有的人臉辨識系統來作辨識。因此,我們首先觀察近紅外線影像的特性,然後依據此特性提出一個影像成像的模型;接著,利用同構增晰的原理來減低因成像過程所造成的不均勻現象;經由實驗的結果,我們得知現有的全域式人臉辨識系統無法有效地處理近紅外線影像,因此,我們提出了一個新的區域式的人臉辨識演算法,針對光線不足的情況作特殊考量,以得到較佳的辨識結果。本論文實作的系統是以最近點分類法來作身份辨識,在現有的32個人臉影像資料集中,正確的辨識率達75%。 The main objective of this thesis is to develop a face recognition system that could recognize human faces even when the surrounding environment is totally dark. The images of objects in total darkness can be captured using a relatively low-cost camcorder with the NightShot® function. By overcoming the illumination factor, a face recognition system would continue to function independent of the surrounding lighting condition. However, images acquired exhibit non-uniformity due to irregular illumination and current face recognition systems may not be put in use directly. In this thesis, we first investigate the characteristics of NIR images and propose an image formation model. A homomorphic processing technique built upon the image model is then developed to reduce the artifact of the captured images. After that, we conduct experiments to show that existing holistic face recognition systems perform poorly with NIR images. Finally, a more robust feature-based method is proposed to achieve better recognition rate under low illumination. A nearest neighbor classifier using Euclidean distance function is employed to recognize familiar faces from a database. The feature-based recognition method we developed achieves a recognition rate of 75% on a database of 32 people, with one sample image for each subject. TABLE OF CONTENTS
CHAPTER 1 Introduction 7
CHAPTER 2 Related Work 6
CHAPTER 3 Homomorphic Preprocessing 11
3. 1 Characteristics of NIR images 12
3.1.1 NIR Image Formation 12
3.1.2 NIR Image Characteristics 12
3.1.3 Gaussian Illumination Model 13
3.2 Homomorphic Filtering Techniques 15
3.2.1 Separating the Illumination Component 15
3.2.2 Homomorphic Filtering 17
3.2.3 NIR Image Correction Results 18
3.2.4 Color Image Correction Results (RGB, HSV Comparison) 22
CHAPTER 4 NIR Image Classification 25
CHAPTER 5 Holistic Face Recognition Algorithms and Evaluation Results 33
5.1 Holistic Methods 34
5.2 Feature-Based Methods 35
5.3 Evaluating Holistic Face Recognition Algorithms 35
CHAPTER 6 Facial Feature Detection Algorithm 42
6.1 Feature-Based Facial Feature Detection Algorithm 42
6.2 Facial Feature Detection Results 54
CHAPTER 7 Proposed Face Recognition Algorithm 56
7.1 Geometric Measures 56
7.2 The Feature Set of Geometric Measures 57
7.3 Recognition 61
7.4 Experimental Results and Discussion 63
CHAPTER 8 Conclusions 68
References 70 |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 資訊科學學系 90753001 91 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0090753001 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [資訊科學系] 學位論文
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