Abstract: | 我國國營事業早期係政府戰後接收多家日本在台之企業,及大陸淪陷後遷台之國營事業為主,而後1970年代基於促進產業之發展,亦相繼成立多家國營企業,然近年來面臨市場開放、盈餘繳庫,以及民營化政策推動之壓力,使得國營事業轉而追求土地資產個別利益之獲取,作為創造盈餘來源,或是吸引投資對象之重要誘因。
關鍵字:國營事業、土地資產利用、資源歸屬、生命週期、策略矩陣 Most of the older state-owned corporations (SOCs) in Taiwan found their predecessors in the companies established by the colonial Japanese government and later took over by the Chinese central government at the end of the World War II as well as in the enterprises sponsored by the central government after its withdrawal from Mainland China to Taiwan. By 1970s, several new SOCs were farther set up with the mission to promote the island`s industrial development. Privileged by long-term government protection, these SOCs are now confronted with severe challenges from the increasing deregulation in the market and the pressing demand for privatization. They have accordingly resorted to their land assets as an essential source for generating earnings and a major incentive for attracting investments.
However, in their pursuit of the profits promised by their land assets, SOCs in Taiwan in general have failed to take into sufficient consideration of their nature as state-owned corporations and effective utilization strategies. The research, based on the examples of Taipower Company and Taiwan Sugar Company, starts by examining the relation between a SOC`s core business and its utilization strategies for land assets and the differences between the Taipower and Taiwan Sugar utilization strategies. The research then moves on to analyze the attribution of the SOC`s land resources, the utilization models and operational competitiveness, and the fairness and efficiency in the utilization of land resources. Results of the previous studies are then integrated for the research to develop integrated strategies for the sustainable utilization of SOC`s land assets.
In its analysis on the relation of SOC`s core business and the attribution of its assets, the research regards the land resources as owned by the general public and suggests that the land resources should be utilized in a manner that contributes to the development of the SOC`s core business. Analysis based on corporate real estate and strategic matrix farther indicate that utilization of land assets varies in accordance with the life cycles of the SOC`s core business. In times of business growth and maturity, utilization of land assets should be optimized to perpetuate differentiation in one`s core business from one`s competitors. On the other hand, in times of decline, the top priority should be the effective reduction in the operation costs of land assets as capital support from the core business grows unreliable. The government`s active promotion of the privatization of SOCs in times of decline tends to cripple the privatized SOC`s interest in its core business and to prompt it to focus on exploiting the profits of its land assets, thereby triggering conflicts in the attribution of state-owned land resources.
How to achieve fairness and efficiency in the utilization of SOCs` land resources is an issue to be examined with a comprehensive perspective; it should not be forced to fit into the utilization model of a single SOC. Replacing ownership with usership, for example, can be an effective way to ensure the fairness in the attribution of land resources. Developing the land assets of SOCs as public resources can help boost up the efficiency of market economics to compensate its inadequacies. Therefore, an integration mechanism in the utilization of the land assets of SOCs is needed to facilitate the continual use of land resources. Careful and skill application of the "state ownership for private operation" concept is also of crucial importance in using the profits generated by the management of land resources to fix the flaws of privatization and to develop the integrated strategies for the sustainable use of land resources of state-owned corporations in Taiwan.
Key words: state-owned corporation, utilization strategies for land assets, attribution of the resource, life cycle, strategic matrix. |