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    Title: 土地使用分區管制制度之執行與制度變遷--財產權觀點之分析
    The Enforcement and Change of Zoning Institution in The Perspective of Property Rights
    Authors: 張剛維
    Contributors: 林森田
    Keywords: 土地使用分區管制
    property rjghts
    institutional change
    rent-seeking behavior
    transferable development rights
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 16:22:36 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 財產權的發展,具有將外部成本內部化,以及減輕租值消散的功能,同時也會影響誘因機制與市場行為,因此,建立可執行的財產權或契約系統,有助於降低交易成本,促進市場交易的效率。土地使用分區管制是政府用以界定財產權的一項重要工具,但在執行的過程中,會受到資訊不完全的因素所限制,而產生許多社會經濟衝突的問題,所以,在財產權界定不完全的情形下,分區管制制度的執行可能是一種負和、零和或正和的賽局。
    Zoning institution is regarded as an important instrument for enforcing urban policy in Taiwan. Zoning not only control the quality of urban environment, but affect the price of real estate. However, the reasons of zoning institution changed and the factors influenced the assignment of property rights are very rarely investigated. The decision of zoning will directly influence the scope of landowners’ property rights. Thus, based upon the viewpoint of property rights, incorporated with institutional and enforcing dimension to conduct a dynamic analysis can deeply investigate the process of policy operation and the problems of institutional design so as to provide better institutional environment for zoning.
    This research, based on the property rights perspective and the approach of property rights analysis of New Institutional Economics, intend to investigate the change of zoning institution and its enforcement. The study pays special attention to the bargaining among private landowners, interest groups and government authority. In order to improve the institutional environment, this paper will also try to find the institutional problems in the process of enforcement through cases study.
    Cases study is used for further analysis the interaction among the actors participated so as to understand the processes of bargaining, re-assignment of property rights and the reasons of zoning institution changed. After the cases study, the research will address some suggestions of institutional design of zoning and try to review the policy of urban development and land use control in Taipei city. A promise suggestion on the institutional design of zoning will be provided for the reference of understanding and research on zoning institution and behaviors.
    In addition, the impact of the rent-seeking patterns and the production paths on the zoning behaviors resulting in the change of zoning institution are explored. The results of the research will make further suggestions to the issues of institutional design of zoning, and to the avoidance of the negative effects of rent-seeking behavior. Moreover, the source and process of institutional change of zoning related to rent-seeking behavior, and the ways government responds to the rent-seeking behaviors are provided for the reference of further study of urban planning.
    Reference: 中文
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0892575041
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