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    Title: 台灣運輸製造業群聚版圖變遷分析
    The analysis of cluster map change of transportation manufacturing industry in Taiwan
    Authors: 王思翰
    Wang, Szu Han
    Contributors: 白仁德
    Wang, Szu Han
    Keywords: 產業群聚版圖
    industry cluster map
    industry linkage analysis
    spatial concentration index
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 16:19:32 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來以電子資訊產業掛帥的台灣,傳統產業似乎成了被遺忘一個部分。但透過許多相關產業的調查資料顯示,部分傳統產業在全球化的競爭底下,依舊可在台灣立足,汽車業與船舶業就是其中的代表。由產業群聚的觀點來看,產業與其關聯產業在空間中的關係為何,產業是否集中於某些特定的空間單元,皆為值得討論的課題。
    為對汽車業及船舶業進行分析,本研究透過產業關聯分析以及地理資訊系統之熱點分析(hot spot analysis),並結合工商普查資料、產業關聯表、生產者投入係數,進行空間集中指標的計算,從時間序列的變化,瞭解不同時間點運輸製造業的主要關聯產業之差異及其群聚版圖的變遷,並且進一步探討運輸製造業產業群聚之水平連結在空間臨接上所產生之差異。
    In recent years, Taiwan taking electronics and information industries as main development, the traditional industry seems to become a part forgotten. But show through the survey materials of a lot of relevant industries, some traditional industries that under the competition of globalization, can still base on Taiwan, the automobile industry and shipping industry are representatives among them. In the view point of industry clusters, what are the spatial relationship between industry and its related industries, whether the industry concentrates on some specific space units, all in order to worth discussing.
    In order to analysis the automobile industry and shipping industry, this research passes the industry linkage analysis, hot spot analysis of geographic information system, and combine the industry, commerce and service census, input-output table, input coefficients table at producers` prices, to make the calculation of spatial concentration index, and from the view point of time series, to find out the difference of main related industries, the change of cluster map, and further more, to discuss the spatial relationship between industry and its main related industries.
    The result of study shows between 1981 and 2001, the automobile industry and shipping industry keeps steady growth with in the space unit that has already had, only the automobile industry of the northern area concentrates center on being transferred from Taipei to Taoyuan, this kind of situation represents the inert of location of industry clusters. In addition, shipping industry centre in nears the steel industry and port; the automobile industry and its main related industries are mostly concentrated in Taoyuan and Hsinchu.
    Reference: 中文部分
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