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Title: | 不動產證券化可行性之研究 |
Authors: | 翁偉翔 |
Contributors: | 張金鶚 翁偉翔 |
Keywords: | 不動產證券化 不動產投資信託 不動產資產信託 Logit模型 蒙地卡羅模擬 Real Estate Securitization Real Estate Investment Trust Real Estate Asset Trust Logit Model Monte Carlo Simulation |
Date: | 2002 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-18 16:12:29 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 不動產證券化可行性之研究
為解決傳統不動產投資困境,將不動產投資方式由固定的資產形式轉變為證券型態的概念,而有不動產證券化(Real Estate Securitization)的產生。國內主要的不動產證券化模式分為不動產投資信託(Real Estate Investment Trust)與不動產資產信託(Real Estate Asset Trust),這兩種模式未來市場供需面實際運作的可行性為何,將是不動產證券化制度成功與否的重要關鍵。 本研究先從需求面投資者的角度切入,透過問卷調查資料,運用Logit模型探討證券化可行性因素對於投資者購買不動產受益證券的影響。實證結果發現,一般投資者認為受益證券的市場流通性、分散風險的重要性愈高,以及預期報酬率愈高,其購買不動產受益證券的可能性愈高;在總體因素方面,對於未來證券市場情況愈樂觀,以及房地產市場情況愈樂觀,其購買受益證券的機率將愈高;法人投資者則認為分散風險的重要性愈高,以及該法人機構主要投資工具的種類愈多,其購買不動產受益證券的機率愈大。 以供給面不動產持有者財務上的可行性而言,其財務目標在追求自身的ROE極大化,因此不動產持有者將視各項風險來源對於投資報酬的影響,決定是否運用證券化投資方式。模擬分析結果發現,除了不動產持有者本身的財務結構限制與不動產經營能力之外,在個別考量委託成本風險與開發風險的情況下,其對於不動產持有者ROE的影響較小,但營運風險相較於其他風險來源,對於不動產持有者ROE的影響較大;綜合各項風險來源同時納入考量時,發現不動產持有者自有資金比例愈低,其運用證券化方式的ROE較高,但變動的幅度也較大。此一實證與模擬分析結果,對於未來國內不動產證券化實際運作,可提供政府、業者及一般投資大眾作為決策參考。
關鍵字:不動產證券化、不動產投資信託、不動產資產信託、Logit模型、蒙地卡羅模擬 A Feasibility Study of Real Estate Securitization in Taiwai
By transforming real assets into securities , real estate securitization is created to solve the liquidity problem of real estate investment. The real estate securitization system in Taiwan is divided into two types - Real Estate Investment Trust and Real Estate Asset Trust. Whether the real estate securitization system succeeds or not is based on the feasibility of the market operation in practice. On the demand side, this research uses Logit model to analyze the impact of the feasibility of the real estate securitization system on the investors’ behavior of buying beneficiary certificates by sampling from intuitional investors and individual investors. The empirical results show that the individual investors emphasize on liquidity, divergence, and expected return. In addition, the probability of buying real estate beneficiary certificates increases with the degree of their optimistic expectation on both the stock and the real estate markets. However, the institutional investors regard the divergence of portfolios and investment instruments as the main factors of their buying those certificates. On the supply side, given the financial objective of ROE maximum, the owners of the real estate will review all of impacts of risk on return of investment before their decision to take the way of securitization. In addition to the financial structure and the management ability of the owners, the results of Monte Carlo simulation on the effect of real estate securitization also reveal that: a. There is little influence on the ROE of the owners’ real assets while taking trust cost risk and land development cost risk into consideration. b. The influence of operation risk on ROE is more than that of other risks. c. Lower the proportion of capital, higher the ROE and bigger the variation of the ROE are. The results of empirical analysis can be a reference of decision making for Government, trust industry, and investors in the real estate security market operation.
Keywords:Real Estate Securitization , Real Estate Investment Trust , Real Estate Asset Trust , Logit Model , Monte Carlo Simulation |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 地政研究所 90257014 91 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0090257014 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [地政學系] 學位論文
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