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Title: | 由金融帳之角度探討亞洲通貨危機 From Financial Account to Asian Currency Crisis |
Authors: | 郭怡婷 Kuo, Yi-Ting |
Contributors: | 沈中華 Shen, Chung-Hua 郭怡婷 Kuo, Yi-Ting |
Keywords: | 亞洲通貨危機 新台幣實質有效匯率指數 共整合關係檢定 向量誤差修正模型 Asian Currency Crisis Real effective exchange rate index (REER index) Cointegration Vector error correction model (VECM) |
Date: | 2003 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-18 15:56:07 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 90年代末東亞金融危機造成多國貨幣大幅貶值,銀行紛紛倒閉。基本上金融危機可分為通貨危機(Currency Crisis)與銀行危機(Banking Crisis);通貨危機是指當年中任一季名目匯率貶值超過25%,且貶值幅度比前一季超過10個百分點。諸多實證文獻顯示,高估一國匯率為其通貨崩潰之先驅;又由於近年來新興國家快速開放資本市場,以致於成為危機之導火線。為分析此一現象,本文首先編製金融帳權數之新台幣實質有效匯率指數,並將東亞之台灣、印尼、韓國、菲律賓、泰國等五國之匯率、相對物價(各國與美國物價)、金融帳餘額等變數做共整合關係檢定,觀察三個變數的長期均衡關係,再將誤差項加入模型中,建構向量誤差模型。實證結果發現,金融帳與相對物價對匯率有顯著之影響力。 The 1997 East Asian Crises had made exchange rate depreciations and bank bankruptcies. Broadly speaking, it can be divided into currency crisis and banking crisis. Nominal exchange rate of any season in a year, which is depreciated over 25% and 10% than last season, is called a currency crisis. Lots of papers demonstrate that overvaluation is a precursor of a currency crash. Furthermore, developing countries have opened capital markets so rapidly that it became the tinderbox of crises. To analyze the phenomenon, this thesis first compile Taiwan’s financial weighted real effective exchange rate index, then examine exchange rates, relative prices (compare to American consumer price index), and net financial account of Taiwan, Indonesia, Korea, Philippine, and Thailand with cointegrated test to identify the long run equilibrium relationships between variables; then adding error terms into models to estimates vector error correction model (VECM). The empirical results show that financial account and relative price influence exchange rate significantly. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經濟研究所 91258033 92 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0091258033 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [經濟學系] 學位論文
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