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    Title: 理性選擇、社會資本與全球減災合作:印度洋海嘯預警系統個案分析
    Rational choice, social capital, and global cooperation in disaster reduction: A Case study on Indian ocean tsunami warning system (IOTWS)
    Authors: 王俊元
    Wang, Chun Yuan
    Contributors: 詹中原
    Jan, Chung Yuang
    Wang, Chun Yuan
    Keywords: 全球危機管理
    global crisis management
    international cooperation in disaster reduction
    rational choice
    social capital
    Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System (IOTWS)
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 15:49:02 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 根據世界銀行的資料顯示,佔全球面積約19%的2500萬平方公里之地球表面,及佔全球一半以上人口的34億人是相對的暴露在一個以上天然災害之威脅下。隨著全球化的來臨,我們居住在一個風險共享的社會中,而在全球環境安全被視為全球公共財的同時,如何在集體行動的邏輯下進行全球危機管理,已成為全球行動者的主要課題。例如如何透過國際合作來對抗SARS,禽流感等危機,皆是當前全球行動者關注的議題。值得注意的是,儘管近二十年來國際社會對於減災所做的承諾與投入的資源日益增加,災害所造成的經濟損失及受到災害影響之人口卻也逐漸上升。面對這些現象,本研究最主要想要探究的研究問題即在於什麼樣的因素影響著全球減災合作。
    Writing on the issue of global environmental security, the World Bank has noted that approximately “25 million square kilometers (about 19 percent of the Earth’s land area) and 3.4 billion people (more than half of the world’s population) are relatively highly exposed to at least one hazard.” With the coming of the globalization era, we .also live in a shared risk society. Since global environmental security is seen as a global public good, how to act for global crisis management under the logic of collective action has become a primary subject for global actors. Coping with the crises of SARS or Bird Flu through international cooperation has become a significant issue for these global actors. One of the main dilemmas of international cooperation for disaster reduction is the reconciliation of different individual actions. Interestingly, in spite of two decades efforts of international cooperation, the amount of damage caused by natural disasters and the total number if people affected have gradually increased since the 1960s.
    This research focuses on two questions in the present research: why do global actors cooperate in disaster reduction, and how does this cooperation operate? The frameworks of international cooperation in disaster reduction, rational choice and global social capital are employed here, to explore the issue of international cooperation. Several factors, such as awareness of risk, capacity, preferences, institutional constraints, information, credible commitment, and trust, are used to examine how an actor engages in decision-making and how cooperation occurs.
    Because of the tremendous damage that resulted from the Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004 and the engagement of the global society in disaster recovery and reduction, the above issues will be explored through a case study of the development of the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System (IOTWS). Twenty-two interviews were conducted in four countries and these constitute the qualitative data for this analysis. 591 questionnaires also have been sent to the participants in the IOTWS to collect the quantitative data. I analyzed the quantitative data from 59 returned questionnaires (10.32% returning rate) and the qualitative data from 22 interviewees in four countries. These analyses resulted in several suggestions to facilitate international cooperation for disaster reduction.
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