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    Title: 全球治理對國家公共政策影響之指標建構:京都議定書對台灣公共政策影響之個案分析
    Authors: 許耿銘
    Contributors: 詹中原
    Keywords: 全球治理
    Global Governance
    Policy Network
    Policy Change
    Kyoto Protocol
    Policy Delphi Method
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 15:48:52 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在目前相關文獻中,在全球治理架構下所制定的政策,必將對於各國內部相關政策造成影響。然而,這樣的聯想常被視為是理所當然,卻鮮有實證資料,證明一個國家的公共政策在全球治理的架構下,是否真正受到影響?在哪些面向會受到影響?這些面向實際受到影響的程度為何?需要藉由何種工具,來衡量國家政策受到全球治理影響的程度?
    In some relative literature, we can see the policy outcomes in the national governance level “could” be affected by those in the global level. But there is little practical evidence to affirm such cause and effect. How can we evaluate exactly such relation, dimension and degree?
    This paper will be grouped into third parts. First, I will review the literature of global governance, the relations between global governance and public policy. By doing so, the theory framework could be formulated. Second, I will select and construct the dimensions, variables and indicators that are related to the relations between global governance and public policy. And I will check and confirm the dimensions and indicators through the “Policy Delphi” method to build the indicator system completely. Third, I will evaluate the impacts of Kyoto Protocol on public policy in Taiwan.
    Finally, I got three important outcomes. First, I formed a “GG-NPP theory framework”. Second, I constructed an indicator system that can be formed to measure the relation between global governance and public policy by two round “Policy Delphi” process. There are three dimensions, six variables and sixteen indicators in this indicator system. Third, I examine the indicator system by the case of “Kyoto Protocol”. I checked the impacts of Kyoto Protocol on public policy in Taiwan and found some interesting outcomes. And I knew the impacts of Kyoto Protocol on public policy will be affected by some external and internal elements.
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