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    Title: 無線廣播電視執照核發制度之研究--兼論商業執照競標之問題
    A Study of Broadcast and Television Licensing: Also Comment on Commercial Station Licenses Auction
    Authors: 林孟芃
    Lin, Meng-peng
    Contributors: 莊國榮

    Lin, Meng-peng
    Keywords: 解除管制
    digital convergence
    broadcast licensing
    public interest obligation
    Date: 2005
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 15:46:58 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 主管機關於發照機制之選擇及其執照核發決定,不僅是滲透到無線廣電產業管制架構的每一處縫隙,也反映出社會價值之優先序位。
    The authority`s choice of a licensing mechanism and decisions thereof not only permeate nearly the entire regulatory fabric of our broadcast industries, but reflect our society`s priorities. Licensing, nominally, is a mutual promise by the legal procedure; moreover, it is also about the registration, limited competition, distribution of resourses, charges, and the code of conduct.
    Since last century, broadcast laws and regulations have been bombarded with deregulation, digitization, and convergence, and that is conglomerated to push the reform of broadcast licensing. Simultaneously, the communications revolution, like U.K. or U.S., has thrown into question the value of imposing public interest obligations on radio and television broadcasters.
    Broadcast licensing seems to be so daunting that some people anoint a few constituencies with very pressing appeals, give them special leverage, and throw everything else back on the market. The auction apologists would argue that the government should set clear and definite standards and tough performance requirements to ensure that good systems and service will result, whoever is the highest bidder. In a pure auction era, where dollars are equated with public worth and maximizing dollars will be the most important criterion, there will be strong pressure to also base allocation and allotment decisions on this standard.
    The merit of auctions in wireless communications licensing may be conspicuous, but the broadcast industry is unique and more complicated so that the change of a licensing mechanism, from the marketplace approach, could be made that a revised public interest standard and obligations failed to address the fundamental challenge--to reassess the power of the regulator when implementing the public interest obligations. Auctions of radio spectrum or broadcasting concession, in other words, will generate their own serious problems that should not be underestimated or denied.
    On broadcast licensing of Taiwan, auctions will not be the life buoy to predicaments of broadcast industries; on the contrary, a top priority is to enhance the clearness and definition, transparency, and fair competition, whether the authority prefers imitating an auction to innovating the traditional selection procedure, beauty contest, through a more competitive approach or not. Besides, we shall inspecting the key point of whether or not competition and the public interest are compatible in the ongoing dialectic still, continuing to struggle toward a balance between private initiative and public oversight.
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