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    Title: 組織中人際信任的形成之探索性研究
    The Formation of Interpersonal Trust in Organizations: An Exploratory Study
    Authors: 陳玉軒
    Contributors: 蕭武桐
    Keywords: 人際信任
    Interpersonal trust
    Social exchange
    Transaction costs
    Date: 2005
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 15:43:27 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究定位為探索性(exploratory)研究,所欲探討的問題為「組織中人際信任之形成」。其中包含組織中人際信任如何形成?組織中人際信任在何種系絡(context)下形成?以及組織中人際信任在其所處的系絡中形成之後,呈現出什麼風貌?研究目的在於理解人際信任形成之過程,組織系絡對於形成組織成員之間的信任之影響,以及有助於組織建立適當的人際信任。
    Designed as an exploratory study, this study attempted exploring the formation of interpersonal trust within organizations, including how and which context is interpersonal trust within organizations formed, and what is it after being formed. The purposes of the study were to realize the process of
    forming interpersonal trust within organizations, the influence of forming trust within organizational members in organizational
    contexts, and to wish to be useful to built appropriate interpersonal trust within organizations.
    The study based on social exchange theory and transaction costs theory explored the formation of interpersonal trust within organizations at individual and contextual level. At first, the study discussed the formation of interpersonal trust
    , which put emphasis on the process of forming interpersonal trust, and thereby evolve into a conceptual framework of forming
    interpersonal trust. Moreover, the formation of interpersonal trust were discussed in interpersonal contexts within organizational members, found four types of interpersonal trust through literature review, and then examine types of interpersonal trust within organizations with discussing the influence of interpersonal contexts within organizations. In conclusion, the findings of the study were that (1) presumption
    , prediction, and evaluation consist of the forming process of interpersonal trust within organizations, (2) guanxi and authority contexts affect the forming process of interpersonal trust within organizations, (3) different action predictions lead to different levels of trust, and (4) interpersonal trust within organizations can be transferred to another specific organizational member. Besides, it had implications for supervisors, usual organizational members, and HR workers.
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