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Title: | 里長治理網絡之建構與發展 The Construction and Development of Li-Chief Governance Network |
Authors: | 謝呈祥 |
Contributors: | 黃東益 謝呈祥 |
Keywords: | 里長 角色 地位 網絡 新舊世代 Li chief role status network new and old generation |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-18 15:39:19 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 現今村里組織為台灣地方自治最基層之編組,其運作之健全與否對於地方治理的發展,自有其一定的影響。本文即以里長為研究對象,並以兩個在成立背景及特質強烈對比的里作為研究之個案,探討里長在治理過程是如何拓展個人網絡,並從里長角色、地位與網絡三個部份做點、線、面的分析。
研究發現部分,本文嘗試提出三點命題:第一個命題:擔任里長的新舊世代會影響其對里長角色的主/被動態度。第二個命題:新世代的里長處理爭議時抱持著資源取向的敵對態度來面對,而舊世代里長則以人情取向的和平態度來應對。第三個命題:新世代的里長在空間資源與物力資源爭取上採取積極取向,人力資源重心放在里民;相對的,舊世代里長在空間資源與物力資源方面採取保守取向,人力資源重心放在政治人物。 Nowadays the village/Li organization is the most basic unit for Taiwan local self-governance. Its operation has certain influence on the development of local governance. The research objects of this thesis are two Li chiefs who contrast sharply in their background. By analyzing their roles, status and networks, this research attempts to find out how they construct and develop their individual network in the governance process. The research methods of this thesis are participant observation and in-depth interview; the places of observation are the Li office and the public conference hall; the issues of this research are as followed: how is the goal of the Li chief completed? who are the most suitable partners that help the Li chief achieve the goal? what kind of strategies or instruments does the Li chief adopt in the governance network? how does the Li chief develop and construct the network that can achieve the goal? Regarding the findings of the research, this thesis attempts to propose three propositions. The first proposition is that the new and old generation of Li chiefs contribute to the difference between active and passive attitude of the Li chief. The second proposition is that the new generation of Li chief holds a hostile attitude toward disputes, but the old one holds a peaceful attitude in resembling circumstances. The third proposition is that Li chief of the new generation adopts positive orientation toward the spatial and the material resources, and focuses on Li residents in the human resources; however, Li chief of the old generation adopts conservative orientation toward the spatial and the material resources, and focuses on political figures in the human resources. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 公共行政研究所 94256021 96 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0094256021 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [公共行政學系] 學位論文
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