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    Title: 國會選舉與台灣社會政策發展:立法委員選舉的政見分析(1992-2004)
    Congressional Elections and the Development of Social Policies in Taiwan: An Analysis of Policy Platforms in Congressional Campaigns(1992-2004)
    Authors: 黃文彥
    Huang, Wun-yan
    Contributors: 陳敦源
    Chen, Don-yun
    Huang, Wun-yan
    Keywords: 福利國家
    welfare state
    social policy
    policy platform
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 15:38:27 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 國內關於社會政策的研究呈現極大的共同點,多數研究利用工業主義或國家中心論的觀點分析社會預算或政策發展。這種宏觀取向的研究無法解答台灣九○年後福利制度關鍵轉折的因素,同時亦忽略民主選舉對台灣社會政策的影響。本研究認為這是國內研究在威權體制遺緒下長期忽略民主與國會所帶來的結果。社會政策不會自然被制定,本研究從簡單民主模型出發,主張政治行動者與國會偏好結構才是影響社會政策制定的關鍵。因此,本研究將國會選舉視為政治行動者社會政策主張偏好的誘因,這種偏好將隨著競選過程進入國會影響後續社會政策的制定。據此,本研究探討行動者與國會的社會政策偏好,從微觀角度解釋民主化後台灣社會政策發展與轉型的因素。


    The past researches about social policies or welfare state in Taiwan present the same ways. Most researches through Industrialism and State-Centralism approaches to analyze welfare budget and social policies. But after 90s’ democratization, these macro-approaches not only cannot answer what momentums induce the critical junctures of welfare state institution in Taiwan, but also ignore the impacts of democratic elections. I agree with this statement because of the influences of authoritarian so that researchers ignore how important the democratization it actually is, especially congress. According to simple democratic model, I argue social policies decided by political actors and congress’ policy preferences structure can not adopted automatically. Therefore I consider congressional campaign is a kind of incentive to promote social policy platforms to political actors in order to win the election, furthermore these policy preferences impact the congress structure that influence social policy adoption. For these points, this thesis discusses, through micro-approach, how the social policy preferences of political actors and preference structure in congress to influence the development of social policies in Taiwan after democratization.

    This research roots in rational choice theory and uses content analysis to study policy platforms to analyze political actors and congress’ social policy preferences during second to sixth congress elections after the end of martial law and discuss the transition of social policy agenda, political actors’ social policy preferences, the impacts between congress campaigns and social policy preferences, and full maps about social policy preferences in congress after democratization in Taiwan.

    There are three contributions about this research. First, it is a micro-linkage for democracy and social policy on reaching policy preference. Second, it focus on congress differ greatly from traditional researches’ State-Centralism approach. Finally, it provides a micro approach interpretation of macro idea of critical juncture about social policy development and transition in Taiwan and can connect the gaps between macro and micro approaches.
    Reference: 壹、中文部分
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