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    Title: 組織承諾對組織公民行為影響之研究--以我國訓練機關為例
    A Study On The Effect of Organizational Commitment upon Organization Citizenship Behavior--An example of the Training Agencies in Taiwan
    Authors: 林秋靜
    Contributors: 孫本初

    Keywords: 組織承諾
    Organizational Commitment
    Organizational Citizenship Behavior
    Training Agency
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 15:38:19 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 組織承諾(Organizational Commitment)是一種態度,不但影響員工對組織投入的強度(Steers,1977),也是個人對組織的聯結關係代表 (Sheldon,1971)。在1980年代,組織承諾即成為台灣組織行為研究的流行議題,頗受研究者的關注。而組織公民行為(Organizational Citizenship Behavior/OCB) 更自1983 年起,已經成為研究者關心的重點(Bateman & Organ,1983)。目前學界已普遍地認為組織的成功必須依賴員工主動地付出一些職責之外的正面行為,透過奉獻、助人、主動建議等組織公民行為的展現,組織才得以彰顯其所欲之目標(Organ, 1990)。而OC與 OCB二者均屬於組織員工之「態度」與「行為」層面,並為組織運作良窳的核心之一。據此,攸關政府組織機能運作核心「公務人力」態度及行為的組織承諾對組織公民行為之影響為何?即為本研究之主要動機。
    關鍵詞:組織承諾 組織公民行為 訓練機關
    Organizational commitment is an attitude. It not only affects the intensity of the involvement of the employees, but also represents the relationship between individuals and organizations. In the 1980s, organizational commitment was a hot issue in the field of organizational behavior study in Taiwan. Besides, scholars have put emphasis on organizational citizenship behavior since 1983. The academic circle agrees that the organizational success depends on whether the employees can provide positive behaviors beyond their duties spontaneously. Organization objectives can be manifested by means of organizational citizenship behaviors such as dedication, helping, and active suggestions. Organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior both belong to the level of “attitude” and “behavior” of the employees. They are the core elements of organizational operation. The motive of this study is based on what effect upon organizational citizenship behaviors can be caused by employees’ organizational commitment.
    The subjects of this research are the civil servants from six training agencies pertained to the Central authorities and Local goverment. This research adopts the Document Analysis and Questionnaire Survey to collect the data.
    The empirical results show that the employees from the training agencies identified themselves with more than seventy percent of the conception of organizational commitment. This result represents that the employees are willing to stay and serve in the same agencies. The empirical results also show that the employees identified themselves with more than seventy percent of the conception of organizational citizenship behavior. This result represents that the agencies are organizations within which colleagues get along with each other harmoniously. Employees believe that working in the organization is helpful and meaningful. The organizational commitment of the employees in the training agencies has moderate influence on organizational citizenship behavior.
    Confronted with the challenges of the globalization, the organizations have to take advantage of the limited resources to create the most valuable outcome. Employees with high sense of organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior will regard themselves as dedicators and volunteers in the organizations. They will strive to achieve the vision of the organization. On the basis of the research findings, this study also provides strategic suggestions of the human resources development for the training agencies.

    Keywords: Organizational Commitment, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Training Agency
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