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    Title: 中國行銷通路策略創新之研究—以T家具公司為例
    The Innovation of Sales Channel Strategy in ChinaA-Case Study T Furnishing Company
    Authors: 任禹霓
    Contributors: 李仁芳
    Keywords: 中國行銷通路
    Innovation of Sales Channel
    Strategy in China
    Strategic Innovation
    Business Landscape
    business model
    value innovation
    Blue Ocean Strategy
    World Is Flat
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 15:09:02 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 中國經濟最近二、三十年一直保持高速增長的趨勢,尤其是2006至今中國股市的井噴式發展,為中國資本投資市場帶來巨大發展機遇的同時,也帶動了相關產業的發展,如家居零售業就存在著顯著的連動效應。一方面,持續的牛市給股民帶來了高收益,提高了潛在消費者的購買力;另一方面,投資市場的發展也為家居業融資提供了便利。但是,中國家居業市場現有的行銷通路策略,存在嚴重的趨同性,眾多廠家依靠幾乎雷同的通路策略進行著殘酷的零和博弈競爭。家俱工廠,都必須依靠幾家大規模的大型家具賣場通路為載體在裡面開店,方能順利行銷自己產品到客戶手上,家具工廠產品通常交由經銷商在各城市代理販售,或開自營店,若有家俱工廠和家具大賣場因為經銷商的資訊不對接,家俱工廠可能就會失去黃金店面,壓縮到自己生產的傢具品牌空間通路。近年中國火熱的零售通路家樂福、大潤發、沃爾馬,馬不停蹄的在中國展店分食上千億人民幣的量販銷售額,家居業能否藉由前述迥異的通路模式,並充分發揮工廠本身有的資源基礎與核心技術,進而探索出一種創新的行銷通路模式,為顧客創造更高的讓渡價值的同時,擺脫殘酷的紅海競爭,成為家居業競爭參與者面臨的一大挑戰。本文以傢俱工廠T公司為例,通過對其行銷通路策略的綜合系統分析,從傳統家居商場到零售通路的量販店中展店,探索出一套適合中國市場的行銷通路創新模式。
    In last decade, China`s economy kept growing at top speed. The booming stock market, while bringing the enormous opportunity for the Chinese capital market development, has driven the development of relevant industries too. The effect on furniture business is absolutely apparent. On one hand, the bullish stock market has brought high returns to stock holders, while raising the purchasing power of potential consumers. On the other hand, the development of capital market has offered the convenience to financing in furniture business too. However, the homogeneity and zero-sum game of marketing strategy in furniture business is serious enough to be a catastrophe to everyone concerned. In order to approach potential customers, the furniture factories must all rely on several sales channels of high market share to run their own shops inside. Furniture factories usually have their own distributors to promote their sales, or run their own shops. If there is information asymmetry between the furniture factories and sales channels, the furniture factories will encounter the possibility of the loss of shop presence and brand damage. In recent years, Carrefour, RT-Mart, and Wal-Mart develop their own sales channels in China at high speed in order to share the millions of dollars market. How to take advantage of the above-mentioned sales channels and leverage their own resources and core competence to create innovative sales channels, while offering higher value for the customers and getting rid of the cruel Red Sea competition is a challenge to the furniture factories and every participant concerned nowadays. This text takes furniture factory T Company as an example, through comprehensive and systematic marketing strategy analysis, and researches on T Company’s traditional sales channels and new sales channels within retailing chains, to explore a set of sales channels innovation model which is suitable for the Chinese market.
    This research consists of six chapters. Chapter one which is an introduction part mainly focuses on the basis of the selected title and related definition, introduces relevant concepts, ways of thinking and method studied, and last but not least recommends the thesis structure and its possible innovation. Chapter two is literature review and comment. Representative figures, relevant fields of the thesis and their research results are reviewed on a chronological basis, including several following respects: Resource-Base Theory, Blue Ocean Strategy, and Innovation Theory. Chapter three is the development overview of Chinese retailing business and also analyzes the development of hypermarkets in China emphatically in order to illustrate the background and motive for sales channels innovation. In Chapter four, this research analyzes existing models of sales channels and its characteristics of Chinese furniture business comprehensively. Chapter five takes T Company as an example and further elaborates its strategy and operation on the innovation of sales channels construction. Chapter six is the conclusion and follow-up study suggestion.
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