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    Title: 企業社會責任及其評量機制之研究
    A Research on Corporate Social Responsibility and its Rating System
    Authors: 楊資華
    Yang, Helen
    Contributors: 吳啟銘
    Wu, Chiming
    Yang, Helen
    Keywords: 企業社會責任
    Corporate Social Responsibility
    Rating System
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 15:04:13 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 五年前首次接觸『企業社會責任』的議題,驚訝之餘,更縈绕在心頭。身為報導產業經濟的記者,親眼目睹台灣企業汲汲營營戮力爭取優勢、掌握商機、贏得客戶尊重與市場支持。然而,現今企業經營環境趨向全球化,台灣企業別無選擇,勢必要走入國際,與全球接軌。當西方先進國家與亞洲鄰邦的官方與企業,自發性地實施善盡企業社會責任,成為企業公民,遵行海外投資準則及相關規範。那麼台灣政府及企業是否應該正視推動及實施企業社會責任,以獲得國際社會的認同與期望呢?
    貳、提出西班牙Leadtad Foundation 對非營利組織的九項評估標準也可作為評量企業社會責任的參考

    Five years ago, when I first read the issue of corporate social responsibility (CSR), I was surprised and very much impressed. In the autumn of 2005, I went back to National Chengchi University for my EMBA degree, and since then, I have learnt that corporates in Europe and America have begun their CSR practice in 1984. In addition, our neighbouring Asian countries including Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia and even Mainland China began CSR practice starting from 1995. These Asian countries now have their own-designed CSR Investment Index and Social Investmnent Fund.
    However, in Taiwan, we still do not have our own-designed CSR Investment Index or Social Investment Fund. For the CSR Rating, only two magazines—Common Wealth and Gloval Views are doing questionaire investigation. I sincerely hope that Taiwan will very soon have its own developed CSR rating system, CSR Investment Index and Social Responsibility Fund. As the matter of fact, Taiwan’s research and design as well as manufacturing technologies are on ahead of its neighbouring developing countries and chase after the developed countries in the West. For CSR practice, I expect Taiwan will also chase after the Western countries’ performance and even become the leader among the countries.

    The four research purposes of this essay are as follows:

    1. A research on updated CSR practice in Taiwan and around the world.
    2. The Nine Standards of Transparency and Sound Practice from Leadtad Foundation in Spain may be used as the reference for CSR rating system.

    3. Submit annual-- average –corporate-- value increase rate will be one of CSR rating method.
    4. Suggest three CSR development frameworks for CSR practice.

    The three frameworks are as follows:
    1. Follow the local and global laws and regulations regarding CSR.
    2. Market influence to CSR.
    3. To be partner with non-profit organizations for CSR practice.

    Finally, I would like to thank Professor Eric C. M. Wu, Professor M. S. Jiang, Professor Peter Huang, Professor Jason Wang, and Professor C. Y. Hsu for their guidance. Once again, my sincere appreciations to Delta Electronics, Department of Investment Services of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Gretai Securities Market, Taiwan Mobile, Chunghwa Telecom, Lite-0n Group, Himalaya Foundation, Business Council For Sustainable Development, Taiwan, Global Views Magazine and Common Wealth Magazine for their either acceptance of interviews or providing information materials.
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    美國商業週刊網站 網址:www.businessweek.com 最後瀏覽日期: 2007/03/10
    美國商業道德雜誌網站 網址:www.business-ethics.com 最後瀏覽日期: 2007/03/10
    美國Innovest Group 網站 網址:www.innovestgroup.com 最後瀏覽日期: 2007/03/10
    英國business in the Community 網站 網址:www.bitc.org.uk 最後瀏覽日期: 2007/03/10
    英國 SERM Rating Agency網站 網址:www.serm.co.uk 最後瀏覽日期: 2007/03/10
    英國 Trucost PL網站 網址:www.trucost.com 最後瀏覽日期: 2007/03/10
    德國 Orkom Research AG網站 網址:www.oekom-research.ed/ 最後瀏覽日期: 2007/03/10
    法國 Core Rating網站 網址: www.coreratings.com 最後瀏覽日期: 2007/03/10
    法國 Vigeo網站 網址:www.arese-sa.com 最後瀏覽日期: 2007/03/10
    瑞士 Centre Info Ltd網站 網址:www.centreinfo.ch/eu/ 最後瀏覽日期: 2007/03/10
    比利時 Ethibel Group網站 網址:www.ethibel.org 最後瀏覽日期: 2007/03/10
    美國 KLD Research & Analytics, Inc. 網站 網址:www.KLDindexes.com最後瀏覽日期: 2007/03/10
    歐洲ASPI 指數 網站 網址: www.arese-sa.com/ 最後瀏覽日期: 2007/03/17
    美國道瓊永續性全球指數 網站 網址:www.sustainability-indexes.com/最後瀏覽日期: 2007/03/17
    美國那斯達克社會指數 網站 網址: www.kld.com 最後瀏覽日期: 2007/03/17
    英國倫敦金融時報指數 網站 網址:www.ftse.com/fesc4good最後瀏覽日期: 2007/03/17
    澳洲RepuTex 社會責任形指數 網站 網址:www.reputexgroup.com 最後瀏覽日期: 2007/03/17
    台灣企業社會責任網站 網址:http://csr.moea.gov.tw 最後瀏覽日期: 2007/03/17
    喜瑪拉雅基金會企業社會責任網站 網址:www.csr.org.tw 最後瀏覽日期: 2007/03/17
    馬來西亞社會責任指數網站 網址:www.oww-consulting.com 最後瀏覽日期: 2007/03/17
    英國 ISIS 社會責任型投資基金網站 網址: www.isisam.com 最後瀏覽日期: 2007/03/17
    英國 Morley 社會責任型投資基金網站 網址:www.morleyfm.com.uk 最後瀏覽日期: 2007/03/17
    英國 Hendersin 社會責任型投資基金網站 網址:www.henderson.com最後瀏覽日期: 2007/03/17
    英國 Insight 社會責任型投資基金網站 網址:www.unsightunvestnent.com最後瀏覽日期: 2007/03/17
    英國 Jupiter 社會責任型投資基金網站 網址: www.jupiteronline.co.uk最後瀏覽日期: 2007/03/17
    加拿大Meritas 社會責任型投資基金網站 網址:www.meritas.ca最後瀏覽日期: 2007/03/17
    日本 Nikko Asset Management 社會責任型投資基金網站 網址:www.nikko-am.co.jp最後
    瀏覽日期: 2007/03/17
    瑞士 SAM Group 社會責任型投資基金網站 網址:www.sam-group.com最後瀏覽日期: 2007/03/17
    美國 Barclays Global Investors社會責任型投資基金網站 網址:www.barclayglobal.com最後瀏覽日期: 2007/03/17
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0094932109
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[Executive Master of Business Administration] Theses

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