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    Title: 應用軟體銷售模式探討─以企業客戶為例
    Authors: 黃文德
    Huang, Wen Te
    Contributors: 周宣光
    Chou, Shrane Koung
    Huang, Wen Te
    Keywords: 軟體行銷
    Software marketing
    Software vendor
    Software competition
    Licensing model
    Date: 2005
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 15:00:51 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 軟體市場的競爭是日益激烈,許多軟體廠為提昇其自我的生存能力,大部分軟體廠商會將其公司資源投注於產品的研發及通路發展而忽略如何運用軟體銷售授權模式的改變來提昇其競爭能力。目前市場的軟體授權模式除了傳統套裝軟體一次買斷式模式外,也有所謂的訂閱、依使用量、或依功能模組等單位向使用者索取費用等非一次買斷式的軟體銷售模式。

    本研究以企業用戶為探討對象,經過國內外文獻資料與相關市場調查的蒐集,並整理目前軟體產業中成功代表個案,包含:微軟、Salesforces.com、Apple iTunes 線上音樂以及Google,彙整其競爭優勢、策略與挑戰,藉此進一步探討不同軟體銷售模式發展下行銷通路的變化、各類應用軟體適用的銷售模式分析、以及多元軟體銷售機制對軟體廠商與消費者的影響。

    針對上述議題,本研究以提升顧客價值為觀點,提出以下六點結論,以期作為軟體廠商擬定公司行銷策略之參考與依據,與及企業用戶訂定軟體採購的方針。這六點結論如下所敘:(1)不同銷售模式有著不同的銷售通路,因此採用對的銷售模式及銷售通路,將有助於軟體廠商進入新的市場;(2)整體擁有成本低、功能變動小、諮商維護需求低,且對企業效益不高的軟體產品,適用於一次買斷軟體銷售模式;(3) 當產品使用人數少,但對產品功能的維護、更新需求高時,建議企業採取依使用人次配合固定租金無限使用模式;(4)當對該軟體產品之使用效益評估尚不明確時,建議企業可先採取依使用量計價的模式;(5)建議既有軟體廠商可善用多元銷售模式與傳統買斷式、大量授權銷售模式的整合,積極與顧客建立長期關係;(6)軟體廠商應不斷精益求精,提供更好的服務品質。
    Today`s software vendors must consider a wide assortment of licensing models to maintain the competitive edge on the marketplace instead of solely resource investment on either R&D or sales channel. Traditionally perpetual licensing selling model characterized by large, upfront costs is still the major software selling model, however, several non-perpetual licensing models (i.e. term licensing) like subscription and utility pricing, defined as pay-as-you-go pricing based on a fixed or variable metric are gaining attention.

    To better understand different licensing selling model approach toward the enterprise customers, and the their impacts on channel ecosystem, selling advantage and the connection between enterprise buyers and software vendors, the study has elaborated recent marketing researches and celebrity cases in the market. The cases we went through include Microsoft, Salesforce.com, Apple and Google.

    Base on the core principle of “customer value”, the study has identified 6 takeaways that can be used by both software vendors and enterprise customers for marketing strategy planning and procurement tactics implementation. Below are the 6 takeaways.
    1.Different licensing models come with different selling channels; an appropriate licensing model adoption will effectively help software vendors to penetrate to new market.
    2.The perpetual licensing model is more suitable to the software applications whose characteristics are low TCO, infrequent function update and few maintenance effort
    3.Subscription model is a choice for the software applications that have frequent function updates, high maintenance effort but use by few people daily
    4.Pay-as-you-go pricing model for usage will benefit to enterprise customers when the ROI of software application they are using is unclear
    5.Existing market players of software application will be paid back from long-term customer relation by aggressively deploying multiple licensing models (perpetual and term licensing) together
    6.Face competitive challenge of revenue stream and future growth, Software vendors not only should continuously work on better-for-customer products and services for enterprise customers, a better-for-customer pricing model development are a crucial pivot point as well.
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