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    Title: 在變動環境下之經營策略 --以記憶體模組業為例
    Business Strategies for Fluctuant Environment -- A Case Study of Memory Module Industry
    Authors: 陳中洲
    Chen, Chooungchow
    Contributors: 于卓民
    Yu, Chwo-Ming
    Chen, Chooungchow
    Keywords: 記憶體
    DDR II
    DRAM Module
    Date: 2005
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 14:52:38 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 記憶體是半導體產品之一,其規格及運用皆已標準化,沒有很大的差異性,價格受到供需的影響,因時因地而各不相同。由於,記憶體供應來源只局限少數幾家廠商,交易金額往往是百萬美元計,任何價格的變動都會影響企業營收,但是對記憶體模組業者而言,價格變動是常態,比其他的零組件波動性更強。在沒有進入障礙、價格波動、沒有龐大設廠資金及技術涉入下,記憶體模組業者,如何以更有效率的模式經營企業,以取得世界市場一席之地。

    記憶體模組業者除了提供Memory Module外,現也經營Flash產品。這是因為Flash 產品的零件來源、組裝及通路與Memory Module有類似共通性,但Flash產品才崛起數年,而市場成長高於Memory Module,吸引許多非記憶體模組業者進入該市場,這其中包括國際性大廠,對現有的記憶體模組業者,如何以記憶體模組的經營模式,複製於Flash產品是另外一個課題。

    本研究是探討記憶體模組業者,在記憶體模組及Flash 產品的經營模式,分別從其與供應商之關係、自有能力調整及與通路商之配合方式著手。此方式可以一窺記憶體模組業者,實際的經營方式與其他資訊硬體廠商大不相同,也構成外人無法知悉的進入障礙。

    Memory, one of the semiconductor products, is a homogeneous product in terms of specification and application. Its prices are subject to the market - the supply and the demand at a certain time and place. The memory world is dominated by a limited number of makers, and one transaction usually amounts to millions of US dollars. A slight change in market price, therefore, would result in a noticeable number on the bottom line. However, to the memory module makers, price fluctuation is normal, though it is much more volatile than any other components. This study intends to explore how memory module makers can play a key role in the global market by getting more efficient under the premises that there are no entry barrier, price fluctuation, nor huge capital investment and high-tech involvement required.

    Memory modules players also carry flash products for these two products having similarity in their component source, assembly and marketing channel. The flash product, which appeared to the market just a few years ago, is a high-growth product and thus attractive to a herd of non-memory module makers, including international giants. How to apply the memory module business model to the flash product is a key subject for the existing memory module players.

    This study is aimed to discuss the business models used by memory module players to the memory modules and to the flash products. Relationship with suppliers, self adjustability and distributorship are separately explored herein. The finding is module players are actually running the business in a way greatly different from other hardware players and such difference in fact poses an entry barrier to the outsiders.

    Interviews with the industry players were conducted to gain insights to the business approaches being taken. At the end of this study, two suggestions are forwarded: the must-have business strategies in the ever-changing environment and the competitiveness for future challenges.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0091932528
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