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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 資訊管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/35252
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    Title: 結合UML需求塑模的Web 2.0後設架構分析─以ETF平台為例
    Web 2.0 meta-architecture analysis incorporated into UML requirements modeling: By the Case of ETF platform
    Authors: 王寶翔
    Wang, Pao Hsiang
    Contributors: 劉文卿
    Liou, Wen Ching
    Wang, Pao Hsiang
    Keywords: 使用個案
    Use cases
    Requirements modeling
    Web 2.0
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 14:33:17 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文建立「Web 2.0後設架構分析框架」,可用於開發Web 2.0應用系統的結構化使用個案分析;首先從文獻歸納Web 2.0核心概念,再據之發展為分析框架。此框架包含兩部分,分別為「Web 2.0後設模型」以及兩階段的分析流程:第一階段以Web 2.0後設模型與系統需求產生出「Web 2.0實例模型」,第二階段加入非功能性需求分析,將實例模型轉換為UML使用個案。本論文使用四層之後設資料架構呈現此分析框架,並以股票交易型基金(ETF)之行銷與討論平台為例示範。
    This paper had proposed the “Web 2.0 meta-architecture analysis framework”, a structured use case analysis for Web 2.0 application systems: We first defined Web 2.0 core concepts and develop the analysis framework. The framework includes two parts: the “Web 2.0 meta-model” and a two-step analysis process. In the first step, the process generates “Web 2.0 instance-models” from the Web 2.0 meta-model and system requirements, which can be transformed into UML use cases along with non-functional requirements analysis in the second step. This paper presented this framework under four-layered meta-data architecture, and demonstrated the framework by using the case of ETF marketing and discussion platform.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095356025
    Data Type: thesis
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