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    Title: 精品品牌奢侈量表建構之研究
    Constructing the Brand Luxury Scale
    Authors: 楊淳聿
    Contributors: 周文賢
    Keywords: 奢侈
    Luxury Brands
    Conspicuous Consumption
    Perceived Quality
    CFA: Confirmatory Factor Analysis
    MDS: Multi-Dimensional Scaling Analysis
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 13:42:04 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 「奢侈平民化」帶動奢侈品牌年年高成長的業績,卻迫使品牌必須面對截然不同的消費者態度與品味。品牌欲持續保有強勢地位,必須了解奢侈在消費者心目中的意義以及消費者如何評估奢侈品牌。因此,本研究欲探討台灣精品消費者認知中構成品牌奢侈的因素,建構衡量品牌奢侈之量表,並以量表探討消費者購買經驗對奢侈認知之影響,及分析個別品牌的現況及優劣勢,研擬具體的競爭策略方向。
    “Luxury Democratization” brings great growth to the luxury goods market, but also forced these brands to confront consumers with different attitudes and tastes. As a result, it is critical for luxury brand managers to understand consumer’s perception of brand luxury in order to maintain the brands’ luxury image. This research focused on the confirmation of Brand Luxury Scale to understand Taiwanese cousumers’ perception of brand luxury. Based on the Scale, the influence of purchase experience to luxury perception was tested, and the competitive advantages of five luxury brands were analyzed. Competitive strategies of each brand were futher developed.
    Research was conducted by using five luxury brands and expected to achieve the following research purposes:
    (1)Confirm the Brand Luxury Scale to establish a managerial tool for brand luxuriousness evaluation;
    (2)Use the Brand Luxury Scale to evaluate the influence of purchase experience to luxury perception;
    (3)Use the Brand Luxury Scale to evaluate consumers’ perception of different brands, and seek to imply different competitive strategies for these brands base on the analysis.
    After the conduction of research framework, sampling design and data collection, Secondary Comfirmatory Factor Analysis was used to confirm the structure of Brand Luxury Scale. 1-Way ANOVA was used to test the influence of purchase experience to luxury perception. Finally, Multi-Dimensional Scaling Analysis was implied to analyze the perceptual position of each brand. The research findings are as below:
    (1)Brand Luxury is constructed by five dimensions: Perceived Conspicuousness, Perceived Uniqueness, Perceived Quality, Perceived Hedonic, and Perceived Extended-self. The order of dimensional influence is Perceived Hedonic> Perceived Extended -self> Perceived Uniqueness> Perceived Conspicuousness> Perceived Quality.
    (2)No difference in brand luxury perception between different purchasing experience consumers was found, showing that the perceptions of brand luxury of Taiwanese consumers’ remain unchanged after purchase.
    (3)Perceived Quality is the most important dimension of all, and the five luxury brands tested needs to improve in dimensions of Perceived Quality, Perceived Hedonic, and Perceived Uniqueness.
    According to the results, several managerial implications were derived, including key factors in marketing and competitive strategy of each brand. These strategies can be used in improving the performance of perceived luxuriousness of brand, enhancing brand luxury image, and planning the direction of luxury marketing and brand strategy.
    Reference: 中文部份
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