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    Title: 從智慧資本觀點探討組織變革過程中人力資源發展實務之角色
    The roles of human resource development practice from an intellectual capital perspective in organizational change
    Authors: 陳怡靜
    Contributors: 管康彥

    Kuan,Wellington K.

    Keywords: 人力資源發展實務
    Human Resource Development Practice (HRD Practice)
    Organizational Capacity for Change (OCC)
    Intellectual Capital
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 13:36:56 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究目的在於探究組織面對外在壓力下所形塑的組織變革能耐內涵,以及智慧資本觀點HRD實務在組織變革過程中所扮演的角色與實質內涵。研究個案來自於1994-2005年天下雜誌所選出的標竿企業,包括9家個案公司與21項變革事件,透過深度訪談與次級資料進行資料蒐集,並採用紮根理論進行資料分析。
    This study aims to explore the organizational capacity for change (OCC) under external pressures facing firms and the roles of intellectual-capital HRD practice in the organizational change process. Cases were obtained from benchmarking enterprises selected by Commonwealth Magazine from 1994 to 2005, including nine cases and twenty-one change events. In-depth interviews and secondary data were collected and analyzed by grounded theory procedures.
    The research findings show that the target companies adopted two paths to develop and shape OCC. Change resistance is obvious to be the influential factor. First, under low-degree of employee resistance, the intellectual-capital HRD practice plays the strategic role to accumulate intellectual capital, which is transformed into OCC during the organizational change. Second, change difficulties are generated from both external and internal shocks during transformation, then the target cases develop or strengthen new OCC to solve problems. And intellectual-capital HRD practice plays the facilitating role in the second path.
    Eight dimensions forming OCC are derived from the above two paths, including company culture value, trustworthy leadership, continuous execution, employee empowerment based on expertise, participative change commitment, systems management, systems communication across boundaries, and open organizational learning. External environmental pressure only is the fuse in change drivers, and the sequential process of change drivers, change types, change resistance, and the OCC path determine the differential OCC.
    Intellectual-capital HRD practice plays the strategic or facilitating role in different OCC development path to make change implementation successful. Besides, it is a maintaining role to generate operational capability, including employee competence, employee job performance, and employee interaction, to sustain operational performance.
    The components of intellectual-capital HRD practice are developmental, constructive, and collaborative HRD configuration, which yield human capital, organizational capital, and social capital, respectively. The long-term intellectual capital accumulation facilitates to shape OCC or operational capacity. Finally, the research proposes ten propositions to construct the change model shaping OCC and derived managerial implications.
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