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    Title: 適應性績效量表之發展及其與目標導向、前瞻人格之關係
    Adaptive performance, goal orientation and proactive personality
    Authors: 莊如松
    Contributors: 韓志翔
    Keywords: 適應性績效
    adaptive performance
    goal orientation
    proactive personality
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 13:36:37 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在快速變動的環境下,員工的工作任務、職責,以及工作關係,也產生經常性的變動,工作內容及工作績效的定義變得更為複雜與動態,組織愈來愈重視員工是否能夠有效地因應環境的變化。因此,適應性績效逐漸受到重視而成為許多學者關切的議題。相對於任務性績效以及輔助性績效,適應性績效是屬於新興的概念,其指涉的內涵以及與其他重要組織變數之間的關係,仍有許多值得探討與研究的空間。



    Rapid technological developments, frequent organizational changes, and intensified global competition in the market place have increased the extent of turbulence and uncertainty in the workplace. Consequently, adaptive performance, a new topic in the field of job performance, has gained attention from academics and practitioners. Unlike task performance and contextual performance, the content and nomological network of adaptive performance is still unclear. Thus, the purpose of this study is to develop the scale of the adaptive performance, and explore the relationships among adaptive performance, goal orientation and proactive personality.

    We found that adaptive is a three-dimensional construct (i.e. the adaptive performance in task area, the adaptive performance in learning new skills, the adaptive performance in interpersonal relations). Our empirical data verified that adaptive performance is discriminative from task performance and contextual performance.

    Besides, we found that Learning Orientation is positively associated with the adaptive performance in task area, the adaptive performance in learning new skills, the adaptive performance in interpersonal relations. Avoidance Orientation is negatively associated with the adaptive performance in task area and the adaptive performance in learning new skills. Prove Orientation is negatively associated with the adaptive performance in interpersonal relations. As to relationship between proactive personality and adaptive performance, we did not found empirical support.

    Finally, we found that job autonomy moderates the relationship between proavtive personality and the adaptive performance in task area, task complexity moderates the relationship between avoidance orientation and the adaptive performance in task area.
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