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    Title: 網路教學品質、品牌形象對顧客滿意與行為意向之研究──以政大公企網路學院為例
    A Study of Customer Satisfaction and Behavior Intention by E-Teaching Quality and Brand Image – A Case Study of NCCU E-College
    Authors: 楊忠銘
    Yang, Chung-ming
    Contributors: 賴士葆

    Lai, Shi-Bao
    Lee, Yi-Yu

    Yang, Chung-ming
    Keywords: 網路學習
    Brand Image
    Behavior Intention
    Information Quality
    System Quality
    Service Quality
    Customer Satisfaction
    Date: 2004
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 13:36:17 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   近年來,由於網路科技與相關基礎建設的日趨成熟,讓網路廣被接受與使用,也對網路教學產生推波助瀾的效應,使網路教學成為全球一日千里,發展迅速的產業之一。

      由於網路教學產業發展的前景可期,近年來許多大學院校及私人企業也都紛紛投入開發;但值得我們關心的是,傳統教育與新興的網路教育,到底有何差異?網路教學如何在提供教育的同時,也兼顧到顧客 (學習者)的滿意度呢?


    In less than two decades, the expansion of internet technology and relevant infrastructure are getting ripe to yield many positive results, such as the varied way people communicate and the daily information convey by media has shifted from papers to electronic. Moreover, one of the most noticeable outcomes is the development of learning through internet, the so-called E-teaching, which is undoubtedly becoming a rising industry.

    E-teaching industry now has been mushrooming and there have been plenty of universities, colleges and individual enterprises joining this trend. Therefore, it is also the time to think about some elementary but crucial tasks of E-teaching. What’ the difference between traditional and such state-of-the-art style of learning, for example, and how to take care of customers` (or E-learners`) satisfaction with E-service?
    By interview with relevant personnel and retrospect with historical references, the research attempts to indicate five important factors that E-learners concern most during their learning process, covering from the internet teaching quality (includes: information quality, system quality, service quality), teaching interaction and brand image. In order to provide

    E-teaching designers with more practical guiding principles, to build up better courses to meet customers` need, the research tries to figure out the relation between these five factors and customer satisfaction and the behavior intention through the narrative analysis and LISREL based on E-College of National ChenChi University case.

    In the near future, the internet technology will be more universal, while learning through internet will be accepted more extensively. Meanwhile, how to offer higher quality, better benefit, and attractive elements to catch customers’ eyes and keep long-term relationship with E-learners will be the topic worthy for an advanced study.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0903550711
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