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Title: | 以一整合性架構探討台灣行動商務科技接受度之研究 Exploring the Technology Acceptance of Mobile Commerce in Taiwan under an Integrated Framework |
Authors: | 陳盈妘 Chen,Ying Yun |
Contributors: | 張愛華 Chang, Ai Hwa 陳盈妘 Chen,Ying Yun |
Keywords: | 科技接受度 結構方程式 行動商務 Technology Acceptance Model TAM SEM Mobile Commerce |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-18 13:34:22 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 當今行動裝置愈來愈普及,人們在接收和處理資訊、消費、娛樂以及種種生活便利服務的需求不減反增,衍生出的行動加值性服務也愈來愈多元,造就了行動商務的蓬勃發展。由於台灣行動電話持有率與全民上網普及率均在全球市場上名列前矛,然而消費者對行動商務的接受度普遍仍不高,因此本研究目的在找出影響台灣地區使用者採用行動商務的因素,並探索這些因素之間如何相互影響,最後如何影響使用者的採用意願。 本研究將以Sally& Indrit所提出的概念性整合性行動商務採用模型為基礎,加以修正後利用結構方程式進行假說驗證,並以不同類型的行動商務服務如功利型與享樂型作為調節變數,探討使用者在使用不同類型的服務時,影響其採用該服務的因素會對其採用態度有何種程度的影響,試圖解釋台灣地區使用者的採用行動商務之行為。 本研究結果發現: (1)使用者愈認為該行動商務的服務是有用的、有娛樂性的、使用過程是安全的和能維護隱私的,以及價格愈合理,使用者採用該行動商務服務的態度即愈正向。 (2)價格因素除了直接影響採用態度之外,還會對採用意願有直接影響。 (3)當使用者覺得該服務容易使用時,同時也較會認為該服務是有用的。 (4)當使用者認為該行動商務之服務為有用時,同時則認為該服務的娛樂性是較低的。 (5)使用者先前的使用知識與經驗及其所能掌控該服務的能力愈高,會增加其認知易用性,進而透過認知有用性的提升,其採用態度愈正向。 (6)使用者認為該服務有用與否及是否具有娛樂性,易受同儕或廠商的行銷活動影響,進而影響其採用態度,外部影響力與廠商的行銷活動對採用態度有間接的影響。 (7)使用者在使用功利型服務時,相較於使用享樂型的服務時,其對服務的認知有用性這項因素對其採用該服務的態度會有較大的影響。 (8)使用者所認知的易用性這項因素在使用者採用享樂型服務時更顯重要。 With the higher availability of mobile devices, people’s needs in receiving information, consuming, pursuing entertainment, and other convenient services in life have augmented, resulting in the increase the variety of mobile services and attributing to the prosperity of mobile commerce. Both the possession rate of mobile phones and the penetration rate of the access to the Internet in Taiwan occupied the leading positions in global market, yet the consumers’ acceptance for mobile commerce is comparatively low. Thus, the purpose of the research is to discover possible factors that influence users’ adoption of mobile commerce in Taiwan, and to explore how these factors affect one another and further make impact on the users’ intention to use. This research, based on the conceptual framework for the acceptance of mobile commerce proposed by Sally & Indrit (2007), underwent the revision of the model and validated the hypotheses, including using different kinds of mobile services such as utilitarian and hedonic types as moderators to explore how these factors can influence the users’ attitude toward use differently when adopting different types of mobile services. The research intends to explicate the users’ adoption behavior of mobile commerce in Taiwan. The research induces the following findings: (1)The higher degree the users perceive that the mobile services are useful, joyful, secure, and that the price of the services is reasonable, the more positive the users’ attitude toward adoption for mobile services is. (2)The factor of price not merely influences the users’ attitude toward use, but also influences their intention to use. (3)When the users find the mobile services easy to use, they tend to feel that the services are useful. (4)When the users find the mobile services very useful, they tend to perceive less enjoyment of the services. (5)When the users possess more prior knowledge, experience, and behavior control for the mobile services, they tend to perceive higher degree of ease of use, which results in higher perceived usefulness, and their attitude toward use for mobile services will be more positive. (6)Peer influence and promotion from the enterprises can easily affect the users’ perception of usefulness and enjoyment for mobile services, which further influences their attitude toward use. External influence and promotion from the enterprises will make indirect impact on users’ attitude toward use. (7)The users’ perceived enjoyment makes greater influence to their attitude toward use when using utilitarian services than hedonic services. (8)The users’ perceived ease of use makes greater influence to their attitude toward use when using hedonic services than utilitarian services. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所 95355012 96 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095355012 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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